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Why Jude Law refused this iconic role

Many actors have donned the costume of this cult superhero of the big screen. But this was not the case for Jude Law who explained what pushed him to refuse this emblematic role.

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Well before the release of Superman Returns with Brandon Routh in the title role, to see or rewatch on the platform Max, many directors such as Tim Burton or McG were working on projects for film adaptations of the adventures of the famous superhero. But most of these plans were abandoned by Warner Bros. Studios. This is particularly the case of Superman: Flyby by Brett Ratner, in which Jude Law almost took on the lead role.

Jude Law: why he refused to take on the role of Superman

Before joining the Marvel and Harry Potter universes, Jude Law was almost part of Superman’s. “It’s true. There was a little period of flirting. And I always resisted because it didn’t seem right to me. And I know you can say: ‘But you played Yon-Rogg and Dumbledore.’ But it went too far, he first confided in the Discourse podcast. Before remembering: “That was the time when Brett Ratner was going to direct the movie, I think. But, they didn’t have a script, if I remember correctly… Did they have a script? I don’t remember reading one. It was a long time ago. They brought me the costume. They were like: ‘It might change his mind.’ I tried it on and looked in the mirror and at first part of me said: ‘Wow, that would be a good thing.’ Then, I said to myself : ‘No you can not. You can not do that’. And I didn’t sell the project to myself. I walked away and the film never saw the light of day. So maybe it wouldn’t have done anything.”.

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This actor reveals he lost the role of Superman because of his sexual orientation

Unlike his colleague, who refused to play Superman on screen, Matt Bomer revealed to the Awards Chatter podcast of The Hollywood Reporter that the role of the superhero would not have been given to him for a particular reason. “I went on a casting call for Superman and it turned into a month-long audition where I auditioned over and over and over again. It seemed like I was the director’s choice for the role This was an early version of Superman written by. Abrams, called Superman: Flyby. I think that’s what it was called and never saw the light of day“, he said. According to the star of FBI: Very special duohis homosexuality would be the reason why he did not get the role. “Yes, that’s what I understood. It was a time in the industry when something like that could still be used against you.”he continued.

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Article written in collaboration with 6Médias


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