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Pope Francis responds to a hundred actors and comedians

“O“We can laugh at God (…) but without offending the religious feelings of the faithful,” Pope Francis warned Friday morning while receiving a hundred comedians from around fifteen countries, before going to the summit of the G7.

The pope indeed arrived in the middle of the day in Puglia, in the south of Italy, where he is participating – a first for a pope – in the summit of heads of state and government of the seven richest countries, during a session devoted to artificial intelligence (AI).

“Can we laugh at God? »

Friday morning, in front of his audience of comedians won over in advance, the 87-year-old pontiff stuck his thumb in his right ear and waved his fingers, a gesture that provoked laughter and applause: “Instead of the speech, I do this” , he said, smiling.

The American actors Whoopi Goldberg (“Sister Act”), Julia Louis-Dreyfus (“Seinfeld”), Chris Rock and Jimmy Fallon were there, as was the Frenchman Manu Payet, even if the majority of them came from Italy. Some also came from Ireland, Colombia, Germany, one of them even arriving from the very distant East Timor where Francis is due to go in September.

READ ALSO Pope Francis soon in “Sister Act III”?

“Can we laugh at God? “, the Pope said to the artists, before giving his own response: “Certainly, as we play and joke with the people we love.” However, he hastened to n […] Read more


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