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François Civil & Adèle Exarchopoulos, they say yes to a new life. More info in this week’s Public magazine!

This week, in Audienceyou will know everything about the most glamorous duo in French cinema : Adèle Exarchopoulos and François Civil. United on screen, the partners of the film phew love also appeared together in Capri, for an ultra VIP event. All the photos are in our new issue…

Not far from there, on another Mediterranean coast, love was in the air also for Joe Jonas… His ex-wife, Sophie Turner, just got engaged? The singer figured out how to get revenge in Greece. Watch out, summer is coming!

But while some are cooing on vacation, others are already thinking about going back to school… Yes, Camille Combal has plenty to think about! As we exclusively reveal to you, he just received a solid gold offer! Enough to want to get back to work, as summer has barely arrived.

Public Magazine 1092

A concern that Beyoncé, on the other hand, doesn’t really have, she who prefers to hide away, for fear of being told about a somewhat embarrassing friendship… We tell you all about her big worries at the moment.

As for Celine Dion, she’s having a hard time getting out of hell where she now lives. An ordeal that she agreed to describe to her audience, in an absolutely moving confession.

Finally, in this issue, we give you news of a Will Smith in loveof a Prince Harry increasingly alone, and of a Madonna caught in a war between her two sons… But also the secrets of Agustín Galiana, our fashion and beauty advice, our astro predictions, without forgetting all our advice for finding THE perfect gift so that, this June 16, all fathers are celebrating! Good reading…


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