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“It can shock in winter”, Evelyne Dhéliat responds to criticism concerning her outfits at the weather presentation

Elected the French’s favorite weather presenter in 2011, and on the air since the 1970s, Évelyne Dhéliat is for millions of French people inseparable from the weather. Although she is 76 years old, she still has no plans to retire. She even confided that she would still be on TF1 next year. Good news for the millions of French people who love it. Yet, despite this lasting love, she is not not immune to criticism.

This Saturday June 8, Évelyne DhEliat was the guest of Jade and Éric Dussart in We’re doing TV again, RTL’s weekly media show, she revealed some secrets concerning the outfits she wears during his broadcasts and responded to environmental defenders who accuse him of a certain hypocrisy on the subject of global warming.

Evelyne Dhéliat’s designer dresses

Évelyne Dhéliat has been presenting the weather on TF1 for over thirty years. The 76-year-old presenter is now part of the lives of all French people. A daily presence on the air and a proximity to the public which does not spare him criticism from viewers. She explained that she regularly received letters of criticism regarding the outfits she wears on air.

The host therefore took the time to explain to Eric Dussart how the show dedicated to the weather works behind the scenes. “The clothes are loaned by fashion houses. They remain in the TF1 closetadding that this still represents “two cupboards”. The RTL host took the opportunity to joke about regretting that she cannot take home the outfits she wears once the recording is over.

Évelyne Dhéliat responds to criticism

While global warming is a subject of concern for more and more people, and its consequences are visible in the four corners of the planet, the weather broadcast is literally the thermometer of this phenomenon. Évelyne Dhéliat regularly uses her program to raise public awareness. But some viewers accused her of being hypocritical, accusing her of wearing outfits that were too short and sleeveless and therefore turn on the heating “thoroughly” in the studios.

The presenter therefore responded directly to her detractors. ” Fake ! The studio we are in has exactly the same temperature in summer and winter. And then the temperature is not very high, especially considering the technique, it should not be too hot”. Always full of empathy and gentleness, Évelyne Dhéliat then explained that she understood the criticism. “When you talk about global warming and people see you like that, it’s always a little tricky. It’s not shocking in summer, but it can be shocking in winter”, she confided to Éric Dussart. We can hope that with these clear and frank answers, the criticism towards the oldest Miss Weather will stop.


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