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Prince William: this lesson from his mother Diana that he absolutely wants to pass on to his son George

Second in the line of succession to the British throne behind his father, Prince George is not a little boy like the others. From a young age, the eldest son of Prince William and Kate Middleton has known that he will one day be king. However, his famous parents try to give him a normal childhood.

Saturday May 25, 2024, Prince George had the right to a one-on-one outing with his father. Together, they attended the FA Cup final at Wembley Stadium. Former BBC Royal correspondent Jennie Bond told OK! On this subject : “He’s a beautiful little boy and he clearly idolizes his father. Outings like this should bring them even closer together and will provide a much-needed escape from the inevitable stresses of life at home when someone you love so much is being treated for cancer.”.

Prince William owes a lot to Lady Diana

If the little boy is known for his good manners, Jennie Bond believes that he should be a child like any other once home. “I am sure that at home, he and William have fun as father and son. And it is thanks to this balance that William and Catherine help him to find princely behavior when necessary and normal 10 year old antics
the rest of the time”
she revealed.

Thus, Jennie Bond noted similarities in the education that Lady Diana had given to her sons, and that which Prince William and Kate Middleton give to their three children. “The balance they created is exactly how Diana raised her sons. She told me she was determined that they would have a different view of life of that of the other royal princes”she indicated.

Lady Diana was an involved mother

To conclude, Jennie Bond explained: “Diana organized play days and work days for them. Days where they could wear jeans and baseball caps, eat burgers and go go-kart racing
like other children their age, and days where they had to wear suits and ties and behave properly. like princes”

Finally, she added: “This has been an important life lesson for William… and he is following Diana’s example with George and his siblings”. In the Spanish newspaper Quien?, Ingrid Seward, editor-in-chief of Majesty Magazine, estimated that the Prince and Princess of Wales were modern parents. Something to delight their three children!


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