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Excluded. “I was doing violence to myself…” Corinne Touzet discusses difficulties linked to her physique during love scenes

On display at Duplexthe play that she plays at the Théâtre de Paris alongside Anny Duperey, Francis Perrin and Pascal Légitimus, Corinne Touzet spoke about certain difficulties linked to her physique encountered in her early days during the love scenes, in our podcast Shadows and Lights.

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Podcast guest Shadows and Lights on the occasion of the play she is currently performing at the Théâtre de Paris, The Duplexin the company of Anny Duperey, Francis Perrin and Pascal Légitimus, Corinne Touzet spoke bluntly about the physical standards that actresses had to meet in the 80s and 90s: “I didn’t meet the criteria at the time. I was a drunk in the 60s, so it didn’t work. […] I was also too dark and too tall, which also didn’t work since my male partners had to be taller.“, she explains to us.

Corinne Touzet: “JI’ve always been uncomfortable with my body.”

Thus we discover throughout the interview that the one who was elected “Most beautiful woman in the world” in 2004, behind Monica Belluci and Isabelle Adjani (soon in a new series), has not always maintained a peaceful relationship with his physic : “I am a very modest person, so I have always been uncomfortable with my body confides the legendary interpreter ofA woman of honor. It was detrimental to my work, because I had trouble with all the love scenes. There are women who are more comfortable with that and I envy them. But I was raised by modest people and I did violence to myself. Today, I’m older and I’m more at peace with this body.”. A body which, by his own admission, has not always been the same over the years: “Between twenty and thirty years old, I was very gironde, a little too much even! When you have shapes, you inspire an image that is beyond you and makes you uncomfortable, whereas you would like to shave the walls or wear tight jeans!jokes Corinne Touzet.

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Corinne Touzet: “I was given roles of responsibility while I was shaking from head to toe!

Before specifying: “It’s stupid because, when I see photos of myself at the time, I say to myself: “How pretty I was!”. But I didn’t realize it, I thought I was too round, I even begged my parents to have an operation on me around the age of 14.“This physique of a woman before her time also widened a gap between the vulnerable young girl that she was and the maturity and confidence that she inspired in her early days:”When I arrived in Paris at 17, everyone called me Madame! […] I was given roles of responsibility while I was shaking from head to toe. Besides, when I look at photos of myself at the time, I have the impression of seeing a baby dressed up as a lady!”.

The rest of this interview is available on the podcast Shadows and lightsjust like those of Léa François, Olivier Marchal, Audrey Fleurot, among others!


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