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Isabelle Huppert “admiring” her daughter’s courage after the death of little Kolia, 12 days old

Isabelle Huppert’s grandson died when he was only 12 days old. Her daughter, Lolita Chammah, has just written a book to tell the story of this loss. The 71-year-old actress spoke, in turn, about this tragic loss…

At 71, Isabelle Huppert continues to act in the cinema and she doesn’t plan to stop anytime soon. She will be appearing in two films this summer, The people next door in July, and The prisoner of Bordeaux in August. However, the very discreet actress experienced a terrible family drama. Her daughter Lolita Chammah lost her son, Kolia, when he was just a few days old. The latter has just released a book, which she called I watched night fall. Claude Chabrol’s favorite actress has read the work and confides in SHE on this painful ordeal which befell her daughter… and her.

Isabelle Huppert, “upset” by her daughter Lolita Chammah

Isabelle Huppert is not in the habit of opening up about her private life. But the actress was invited to talk about her current readings in SHE and she could not remain silent about the work of her daughter Lolita Chammah, which has just been released, in which she returns to the drama of her son.

I was very touched by what she said about her grief, but also by her writing. Moving, I knew this story would be, by the very nature of its subject, but I was also overwhelmed, and admiring, that Lolita had both the strength and the talent to put it into words like this.“, confided the actress.

Isabelle Huppert: what are her links with her daughter?

Isabelle Huppert had 3 children with her husband Ronald Chammah, Lolita, 39 years old, Lorenzo, 36 years old, and Angelo, 27 years old. If the cinema icon may seem cold and distant, she is, in any case, absolutely not with her children. The actress was also full of praise for her eldest. Lolita Chammah’s mother continued to compliment her daughter on the quality of her writing, SHE.

It is not just a factual story, but a literary object“. In nice morningthis time she praised her daughter’s acting and acting qualities in the cinema: “My daughter, Lolita, was both funny and moving in this film that I loved (Editor’s note Funny Birds in 2017)”.

Lolita Chammah, already mother of Gabriel, 10 years old, became pregnant in 2022, but this child was born at 5 and a half months of pregnancy. The baby, very premature, unfortunately did not survive and took his last breath after 12 days of existence. Isabelle Huppert, a proud and loving mother, was certainly an essential support for her daughter in the face of this terrible perinatal loss.


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