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Jean-Luc Bideau tackles Retirement Home, the film with Kev Adams and Gérard Depardieu

In an interview given to ParisianSwiss actor Jean-Luc Bideau tackles Kev Adams’ film, Retirement home in which he notably played alongside Gérard Depardieu.

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Now retired and living in Switzerland, the actor Jean-Luc Bideau, 83, has not lost his outspokenness. The actor gave an interview in The Parisian from Monday June 3, 2024 in which he reveals all his truths. He returns in particular to his participation in the film Retirement home directed by Kev Adams where he played the role of Edmond Van de Wer.

Jean-Luc Bideau tackle Retirement home by Kev Adams

In 2022, Jean-Luc Bideau appeared in the colorful cast of Retirement home alongside Kev Adams himself, as well as Gérard Depardieu, Marthe Villalonga, Firmine Richard, Mylène Demongeot and Daniel Prévost. However, he does not seem to have very good memories of this film, as he admitted to Parisian : It’s still rubbish. I didn’t want to do 2. Once is fine. He took the opportunity to slip in a few words about Gérard Depardieu who also participated in the film: “Yes, three by three, it’s very, very good. Except in Retirement home, where he is a boxer, he is not good. But he’s a genius, eh? He arrived in Paris almost illiterate and he got it all.”

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Jean-Luc Bideau: His difficult collaboration with Jamel Debbouze and Éric and Ramzy in H

Before playing Edmond Van de Wer in Retirement homeJean-Luc Bideau also became known for his character of Professor Strauss in the series H between 1998 and 2002. “It’s a crazy phenomenon H. We did it twenty-five years ago and people still talk to me about it. Even young people”, he informed the Parisian. On the other hand, the collaboration with Jamel Debbouze and Éric and Ramzy, then young comedians at the time, was more complicated: “It wasn’t bad, but the three of them, Jamel, Éric and Ramzy, were tiring, unbearable. They made fun of me all the time. They kept saying to me: ‘She’s going to caillera, we’re going to hit you.’ I came from the Comédie-Française, it took me two weeks to understand.” Jean-Luc Bideau had already spoken on this subject in an interview with Street Press in 2013: “You know, the three nurses (Jamel, Éric and Ramzy, Editor’s note) were very tough. They came from the suburbs and everything… Not Eric! Eric is a fairly literary guy who has a degree in English and German”, he had said.

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