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Podcast – Do celebrities always have to take a stand? –

For several weeks, the #blockout movement has been spreading on TikTok. The challenge: block or unsubscribe celebrities who do not take a position on the situation in Gaza. But do public figures necessarily have to have an opinion on everything?

“In the past, with traditional media, we were very dependent on media events, such as the rise of the marches in Cannes or previews at the cinema, to challenge celebrities in very organized, very codified events, where they were the journalists who questioned celebrities Today, we really have an entirely citizen mechanism”, explains Valérie Gorin, head of teaching at the center for humanitarian studies at the University of Geneva, in Le Point J.

For her, these stars are both “economic elites” and “voice amplifiers”. To point out their silence on a social movement or an ongoing conflict is to call into question their privileges.

Are movements like #blockout moving things forward? What legitimacy is given to the words of stars on subjects like Gaza?

>> Listen to the full episode:

Do celebrities necessarily have to take a stand? / Le Point J / 13 min. / today at 5:00 p.m.

Jessica Vial and the Point J team


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