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Christine Morency responds to Internet users who send her insults about her appearance

With the confidence that we know of, Christine Morency did not hesitate to put Internet users in their place who sent her derogatory comments about her appearance.

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Friday, when she was supposed to fly to Abitibi for the weekend, Christine Morency was forced to cancel her shows with a few hours’ notice, because the plane could not take off.

She explained the situation through a story, published on her Instagram account, where she explains that she was really sorry and very disappointed, but that the situation was obviously out of her control, and that she was for security reasons.

Now, the day after his announcement, the comedian had to make an update after receiving comments that had degenerated. In fact, she went to read the comments under the Facebook pages of the performance halls where her performances were to take place, and was surprised to find comments that were not very complimentary.

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“I know it’s fucking disappointing. That the world had planned their evening. Twice rather than once. I really understand why this pisses people off. It doesn’t happen often, but when a show gets canceled or postponed, I always feel very guilty. Even if I don’t know AN ARTIST who cancels shows for fun,” she first wrote.


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“But I feel bad the same. Because I don’t like to disappoint. […] My manager knows me so well that she called me three times during the weekend to remind me not to go read the comments to avoid feeling even more guilty by reading the disappointment of the world. Today, it was stronger than me. I went to read,” continued the one who co-hosts Rouge le midi with Pierre Hébert.

Christine was on the one hand sorry that people believed that she had canceled simply to disrupt the public’s plans.


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She then shared a series of messages addressed to her that had nothing to do with the cancellation of shows, but rather, related to her physique.


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Without detour, the one who will host a brand new show with a unique concept on the Vrai platform spoke of her wish to no longer see this kind of comments (towards herself, but also for everyone).


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“Cry** that I can’t wait for the day when we will cry out for patience over physical insults just to be mean for free. Even if I fit every bone in beauty standards, the plane wouldn’t have taken off,” she retorted.

Then, in order to shut up all these people, it was Christine who had the last word:


Well said!

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