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Jean-Luc Bideau (M, Retirement home) destroys Jamel Debbouze, Eric and Ramzy and the film by Kev Adams

On April 22, the trio Jamel Debbouze, Éric and Ramzy reformed in the series Terminal on Canal+, a little over twenty years after the end of the sitcom H. “It’s crazy, the phenomenon H. We did it 25 years ago and people still talk to me about it. Even young peopleconfides this Saturday June 1st in the columns of Parisian actor Jean-Luc Bideau. From 1998 to 2002, he made his mark by playing Professor Strauss. “It wasn’t bad, but the three, Jamel, Éric and Ramzy, were tiring, unbearable”reveals the 83-year-old actor who now walks with a crutch and is resting in Switzerland, his native country.

Retirement home with Kev Adams, a film “nullos”, for Jean-Luc Bideau, who played in

“They made fun of me all the time. They kept telling me ‘We’re going to attack you’. I came from the Comédie Française, it took me two weeks to understand.”, remembers Jean-Luc Bideau. He is also not kind to the film produced by Kev Adams, Retirement homereleased in 2022. “It’s still rubbish. I didn’t want to do 2. Once is okay”slides in The Parisian the one who played Edmond Van de Wer in the successful feature film. Even when asked about Gérard Depardieu, Jean-Luc Bideau takes the opportunity to once again attack the comedy carried by Kev Adams. “He’s very, very good. Except in Retirement home, where he is a boxer, he is not good. But he’s a genius, eh? He arrived in Paris almost illiterate, and he got it all.” he says.

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Jean-Luc Bideau’s conviction on the future of Gérard Depardieu

For him, despite the heavy accusations weighing on Gérard Depardieu, he believes that the actor could make his return sooner or later. “He’s going to pay, right? It’s good that women are roaring. It was necessary, this movement. I think Depardieu will play again, but in eight years, if he’s still here”estimates Jean-Luc Bideau in the columns of Parisian. “One last role, people will be waiting for it”, continues the artist. On May 21, BFM TV indicated that Gérard Depardieu’s agent had denied the information according to which the latter was going to star in an Austrian film entitled Travel Agents.

Article written in collaboration with 6Medias


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