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Meghan and Harry soon to be expelled from the United States: this trial which puts the couple at great risk

In January 2020, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle announced their plans to move away from the United Kingdom and the royal family. A decision which had the effect of a bombshell with the British and the Windsors. Since then, the couple has lived in Montecito, where they seem to be very happy. However, as indicated The Mirror this Sunday, May 26, the dream could become a real nightmare. Prince Harry’s US visa could pose a problem, leading to his deportation and thus the loss of his home with Meghan Markle.

The tabloid explains that a trial has been opened and the judges could ask that the Duke of Sussex’s American visa be made public. It was the Heritage Foundation that initiated this and filed a lawsuit against the Department of Homeland Security. These are comments made by Prince Harry in his memoirs, entitled The Substitute, which motivated this request. Meghan Markle’s husband admitted to taking drugs in his youth. The foundation recalls that drug use is prohibited in the United States and wonders how Prince Harry was able to enter the country.

Prince Harry: disturbing revelations

In his memoirs, Prince Harry chose to be transparent. He confided that he had already used marijuana, magic mushrooms, ayahuasca and cocaine to try to cope with the death of his mother, Princess Diana. As the tabloid recalls, the presence of the Sussexes in Montecito caused a lot of talk and there was much speculation that he could be refused American citizenship if he applied for it. Will his confidences cause his downfall?

Royal commentator Robert Fitzwilliams indicates that these revelations could harm him, particularly if Prince Harry did not indicate this when applying for a visa. “Prince Harry may have included drug use on his application form”he began before adding: “If he didn’t. “It will undoubtedly make headlines, and it will not be beneficial as far as the Sussexes are concerned.” Prince Harry’s visa is currently valid but, subject to renewal, will it remain valid?

Prince Harry: this other element that could pose a problem

Prince Harry’s American visa is not the only one to be questioned. As the tabloid clarified, the future citizenship application of Meghan Markle’s husband is mentioned, especially since this would force the principal concerned to renounce his royal title. By moving away from the royal family, Prince Harry said goodbye to his commitments. However, as Robert Fitzwilliams confided, in order for Archie and Lilibet’s father to obtain an American passport, he will have to take an oath of allegiance. But will he do it?

The tabloid indicates that this oath will oblige him to “renounce all allegiance to any foreign prince, state or sovereign.” If Prince Harry accepts, he will have to say goodbye to his royal titles. For Ingrid Seward, editor-in-chief of Majesty Magazinethis situation is delicate. “I don’t know if Harry really understands the implications of obtaining American citizenship…”she said before continuing: “He should give up his British titles, his royal titles. He would not be required to give up his inheritance, but he would have to give up his royal titles if he were to become an American citizen. An important decision for the Duke of Sussex who will have to think a lot before accepting.


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