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here is the “barbaric” but very effective anti-aging tip that she got from her mother

Carla Bruni has always been known for her beauty and fashion sense. Like many models, Nicolas Sarkozy’s wife is well aware of the best skincare and anti-aging treatments. Today, many brands offer products anti-aging and anti-wrinkle revolutionary, notably made from hyaluronic acid.

However, Carla Bruni’s secret to beauty and youth does not really lie in these cosmetic products. More precisely, the former First Lady of France has already admitted that she uses a unusual remedy against age. While many people might consider this method surprising, it is nonetheless effective. The Italian model actually uses cryotherapy.

Carla Bruni is a fan of cryotherapy

Cryotherapy is known for its benefits in relieving muscle pain. For this reason, high-level athletes often use it. In medicine, this technique is also regularly recommended for certain inflammatory diseases And rheumatism. But even if you don’t suffer from these health problems, cryotherapy can still be interesting.

In January 2023, Carla Bruni also revealed that she carries out regular cryotherapy sessions. The objective is not really to treat rheumatism, but rather to benefit from the anti-aging properties of the cold on the skin. “It seems that the cold is beneficial for the entire body and the energy you feel after taking a shower with cold water is astonishing”assured Carla Bruni on his Instagram account.

A method used by Carla Bruni to maintain youthful skin

Concretely, Carla Bruni takes ice baths and showers daily. This practice may seem to go against the habits of many people, who, on the contrary, prefer hot water baths to relax. Nevertheless, cold water hides interesting effects on the skin. It at least has the merit of revitalizing you, as Carla Bruni clearly pointed out.

“It may seem barbaric (especially in the middle of winter) but we come away totally revitalized”thus explained the old First Lady of France. More than revitalization, cryotherapy brings many benefits to the skin. It is, in part, thanks to this habit that Nicolas Sarkozy’s wife manages to keep beautiful skin.

photo credit: Shutterstock Carla Bruni

A habit well rooted in Carla Bruni’s family

To tell the truth, Carla Bruni is not the only person around her to appreciate cryotherapy. According to Nicolas Sarkozy’s wife, this practice was passed down in her family. “In our family we are fans of cold water: daily ice baths and showers”, she said in her Instagram post. Moreover, these comments were written below a photo showing his mother taking an ice water bath.

photo credit: Shutterstock Model Carla Bruni

Cryotherapy is thus a little-known treatment, but with interesting effects on the skin. It also promotes the elimination of dead skin and immediately tightens pores. This treatment encourages cell renewal. In other words, it is a technique that provides skin rejuvenation.


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