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Pyrénées-Orientales: the Déclic nature photo competition delivered its verdict in Prades

The jury met at the offices of the Federation of Catalan Nature Reserves to choose the photos that would receive awards this year.

There were four of them this year to have been chosen for this difficult task of judging anonymous photos. A little over 130 “nature” photos which were sometimes difficult to decide between. In any case, everyone took this mission to heart. Some members of the jury, like Johanna, being more inspired by the artistic side, others like Jean-Marie (who has already participated in the competition many times and who won) not letting a technical error go by, when Benjamin (8 years on the jury) was looking above all for the scope of the message that the photo can deliver.

Four birds on the podium

Despite their different sensitivities, they still placed (without consulting each other) the same photo at the top of the general ranking. And so it is Any Capell who is the lucky one with a pretty photograph of the very rare little bittern. Léo Souillard comes second with a Tengmalm owl. Stéphane Nevier (European bee-eater) and Joseph Barghioni (rock mound) share third place. Once is not usual with this 100% volatile podium, even if butterflies and other deer were also very beautiful.

As for the special prize on the theme of “Water in all its states”, Jean-Marc Gené won after much hesitation. Finally Jérôme Comin won the “Young” prize hands down (- aged 18) with his photo of a red frog The awards ceremony will take place in Prades on. Friday December 6 at the end of the day. Remember that this competition aims to discover and share the wild nature of the Pyrénées-Orientales. The presentation of photos contributes to raising awareness and protecting natural heritage. Photographs showing obvious disturbance of species, e.g. trampling, picking […] or more generally a lack of respect for the environment on the part of the author are not accepted.


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