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Princess Sofia visits the Arte Povera exhibition at the National Museum of Art of Romania

This weekend, Princess Sofia of Romania visited the National Museum of Art of Romania to visit the exhibition Ileana Sonnabend & Arte PoveraThe exhibition presents works from the movement poor artwhose curator Ileana Sonnabend was one of its main promoters.

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Princess Sofia of Romania discovers the work of gallery owner Ileana Sonnabend

L’poor artpoor art in Italian, is an Italian artistic movement born in the 60s, theorized by the critic Germano Celant, which advocates evocation through the simplicity of the works, the media used or the materials. This minimalist movement has achieved international fame, notably thanks to gallery owners such as Ileana Sonnabend. The art curator was born in Bucharest in 1914 and died in 2009.

Princess Sofia visits the Ileana Sonnabend & Arte Povera exhibition at the National Art Museum of Romania (Photo: Daniel Angelescu, Casa Majestății Sale)

Princess Sofia of Romania, the fourth of the five daughters of King Michael I of Romania, visited the National Museum of Art of Romania (MNAR) to visit the exhibition Ileana Sonnabend & Arte PoveraThe exhibition, which runs until September 22 at the MNAR, pays tribute to the Romanian curator, who was a key figure in the promotion ofpoor art but who was also a specialist in pop art American, a movement which is precisely opposed to the minimalism of poor art.

Italian Ambassador to Bucharest Alfredo Durante Mangoni, Princess Sofia of Romania and Deputy Director General of the National Museum of Romania Judit Balint (Photo: Daniel Angelescu, Casa Majestății Sale)

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The big names of thepoor art are exhibited in Bucharest

The exhibition is produced in collaboration with the Italian Embassy in Romania, the Italian Institute of Culture in Bucharest and Antonio Homem of the Sonnabend Collection Foundation. The exhibition focuses on the relationship between the gallery owner and the artists of the arte povera movement that she supported: Michelangelo Pistoletto, Gilberto Zorio, Mario Merz, Giovanni Anselmo, Pier Paolo Calzolari, Giulio Paolini, Jannis Kounellis. “The exhibition also includes a tribute to Mario Schifano, the first Italian artist whose works were exhibited by Ileana Sonnabend, thus anticipating the deep connection between the Sonnabend gallery and Italian art developed since the second half of the 1960s. “, adds the museum.

Princess Sofia of Romania, herself an artist, is interested in Ileana Sonnabend’s curatorial work (Photo: Daniel Angelescu, Casa Majestății Sale)

It is also the first exhibition in the world dedicated to Ileana Sonnabend, which does not consist solely of works from her collection. “In order to stand out from previous exhibition projects and to highlight the still strong link between Ilena Sonnabend’s life story and Italy through the arte povera movement, the exhibition at the MNAR presents works that still belong to artists and their heirs, as well as to Italian museums, foundations, private collectors and gallery owners.”

The exhibition highlights the big names of the Italian movement of “poor art” (Photo: Daniel Angelescu, Casa Majestății Sale)

During the visit, Princess Sofia was accompanied by the Italian Ambassador to Bucharest, Alfredo Durante Mangoni, and Laura Napolitano, Director of the Italian Institute of Culture. The visit was attended by the Deputy Director General of the National Museum of Romania, Judit Balint.


Editor in Chief

Nicolas Fontaine has been a copywriter and author for many Belgian and French brands and media. A specialist in royal family news, Nicolas founded the website Histoires royales, of which he is the editor-in-chief. [email protected]


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