DayFR Euro

The Figeac Photo Club brings out the cameras

The Figeac Photo Club (FPC) is relaunching its activities this Monday evening at 6 p.m., in its premises located on rue La Pintre in Figeac (at the former gendarmerie). Open to all, beginners as well as experienced or expert photographers, the association invites everyone to come and share their passion for photography in all its forms.

Every two weeks, the FPC offers practical workshops, such as handling the camera, the rules of framing and composition, or even sessions dedicated to shooting. The club provides a variety of equipment, including flashes, sets, lighting, as well as extensive documentation to support members in their learning. The sessions are followed by a time for discussion around current photographic events or specific techniques. Time is also devoted to critiquing members’ photos, always in a constructive and caring spirit, to help everyone progress. In addition to the workshops, the club organizes a photo outing every month, an opportunity to exchange practical advice and new techniques in the field.

Find the Figeac Photo Club on Facebook or contact them by email at [email protected].


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