Four artists re-enchant Espace Saint-Michel
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Four artists re-enchant Espace Saint-Michel

the essential
The exhibition, presented with the help of Christophe Bassetto of Artop, showcases their talents and the treasures of the place.

An accomplice of the association for many years, Christophe Bassetto was, as Marie-Claude Montané-Séailles pointed out, the “conductor” of the exceptional installation that constitutes the new exhibition presented by the Friends of Saint-Michel this fall. Entitled “Between Earth and Sky”, this new poster that brings together the works of four artists certainly offers a beautiful allegory of nature but cannot be reduced to that. It is also a true hymn to life, an invitation to travel in a poetic world where everyone grasps parts of the marvelous as they walk among the works.
For this end-of-summer event, it is the photographer Juan-Carlos Perèz Berdén, Julie Bonnafous, stained-glass artist, and Christine Fort and Angèle Saccucci, visual artists, who have taken over the place to combine their work. As their exhibition curator, Christophe Bassetto, notes, “more than an exhibition, the installation brings together four artists who question nature and the way we look at it”. They also seem to ask themselves, and ask us, what place do we humans occupy there, and what do we do with all this wealth that surrounds us.
As they show with talent, we often use, damage, destroy everything that is thus located “Between earth and sky”. Despite everything, despite this damage that we inflict, nature, the universe that surrounds us preserves its beauty, is reborn, is transformed, and thus gives us hope. As the common thread that guides the visitor specifies, “the place that hosts the overall work is not insignificant”. Thanks to it, the installation takes on its full meaning. The artists have also been able to reveal certain hidden treasures of the old church, including a baptistery dating from the early hours of the building, to support their artistic statement.

The treasures of Saint-Michel have been invited to come out of the shadows.
DDM – J.R.

The elements, what exists, what disappears and what remains after the ravages caused, all this makes up a most inspired and inspiring magic that everyone must run to discover, between now and September 29, at Espace Saint-Michel.


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