These little -known Charlevoisian painters…

Not really, according to Gabrielle Lajoie-Bergeron. The artist, who works between Charlevoix and Baltimore, is badly explained how the names of the sisters Yvonne and Blanche Bolduc, Bouchard sisters, Jori Smith or Madeleine Laliberté are still too often in the shadow of the history of the 20th century century.

“Their practices were of the same quality as those of men, but as for the history of art-and history in general-, we have packed them,” she observes from the outset, in interview with Soleil.

The latter, originally from Malbaie, has been interested in the impact of all these women for Canadian art for several years. They who also attended the circles of artists of the time and even had the success during their lifetime.

For Gabrielle Lajoie-Bergeron, diving into these little-known creations is also to discover Charlevoix from a new angle. Beyond mountains, fields and river, they open a window on a new territory: that of the intimate. Where the portraits, gardens and scenes from life the everyday shine.

The works of the 20th century, created by Charlevoisian painters, echo the work of contemporary artists and integrate with each other. (Gabrielle Lajoie-Bergeron)

“Often, the regional works that date from this time will often be associated with landscapes: the house, the storm, etc. Yes, it’s part of our history but, when we dig more, it’s crazy to see that there is a relationship with mysterious, legends, oral history [à même les peintures]”Says the 37 -year -old artist, whose practice is inspired among others folklore, territory and collective stories.

In order to highlight these unknown creations and designers, Gabrielle Lajoie-Bergeron has set up the exhibition The return of the crows. A project, whose title is also inspired by a work by the painter and artisan Simone Mary Bouchard (1912-1945).

“For me, the Corneille is a bird often associated with legends, good or bad omen, folklore as well as what is current, in the past and in the future. It is also a cunning animal, which is not trapped, which shouts, which stands in groups. They often announce their return when they arrive, ”lists the one who has presented his works in several countries.

The exhibition The return of the crows is built around canvases, but also sculptures and installations at different materials.

From one generation to another

The notion of return was here particularly important for Gabrielle Lajoie-Bergeron. The exhibition, mounted in partnership with the Charlevoix museum, presents works by “Charlevoisian pioneers”, but not only …

Seven contemporary artists have produced new creations for the occasion: Fanny Mesnard (Quebec), Valérie Gobeil (Montreal), Vanessa Locatelli (Saint-Irénée), Audrée Demers-Roberge (Saint-Casimir), Marie-Fauve Bélanger (Portneuf) , Alice Longpré (Victoriaville) as well as Rafaelle Carrière (Saguenay).

In the photo: Commissioner Gabrielle Lajoie-Bergeron, the director of the unheard of Center Julie-Andrée Tremblay as well as the artists Valérie Gobeil, Rafaelle Carrière, Audrée Demers-Roberge, Alice Longpré, Marie-Fauve Bélanger. (Pierre Rochette)

“I wanted to create a sorority, a parentage of women who speak to each other and who influence each other even if several [pionnières] are dead or that they will never meet, ”underlines Gabrielle Lajoie-Bergeron, also project commissioner.

At the heart of the exhibition thus results in a multi -generational dialogue, where works are echoed by their themes, their materials, their colors, etc.

Like a panoply of “small fragments that can juxtapose” to allow visitors to create a new story, personal or collective.

The exhibition The return of the crows is presented in the incredible center, in Saint-Siméon, until April 20.



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