“The glassy look and the alcoholic breath”: Justin Timberlake arrested for drunk driving

“The glassy look and the alcoholic breath”: Justin Timberlake arrested for drunk driving
“The glassy look and the alcoholic breath”: Justin Timberlake arrested for drunk driving

The “Cry Me a River” singer was returning from a night of drinking when he started a fire in Sag Arbor in the Hamptons.

Arrested in a state of intoxication then placed in police custody, he will be heard by a judge on June 26.

A new blow for the ex-little prince of pop whose musical comeback is not going quite as planned.

Bad luck for Justin Timberlake. The 43-year-old American singer was arrested overnight from Monday to Tuesday in Sag Arbor, in the upscale Hamptons region east of New York, media across the Atlantic reveal. Intoxicated while driving his vehicle, he was taken into custody and released after a few hours. He will be heard by a judge on June 26.

According to the celebrity site TMZ, Justin Timberlake would have party with friends until late at night at the American Hotel, a prominent establishment in the seaside resort. After getting behind the wheel of his car, he apparently ran a fire in the face of a police vehicle which chased him before forcing him to stop.

He was taking a break from his American tour

A police source interviewed by TMZ claims that the “Cry Me A River” singer had “the glassy look” and “his breath smelled of alcohol“After finding that he was unable to walk straight, the police allegedly asked him to submit to an alcohol test, which he refused.

This incident comes at a bad time for Justin Timberlake, in the middle of his first tour in five years. After a date in Miami on June 15, he benefited from a few days of rest before returning to the stage in Chicago on June 21. Starting in July, he is due to embark on a major European tour which will pass through Lyon on September 6 and 7.

Justin Timberlake and his wife Jessica Biel in Los Angeles in 2018 – VALERIE MACON / AFP

Former member of the boyband N’Sync, Justin Timberlake launched a successful solo career in the 2000s, with more than 88 million albums sold. Last March, he published Everything I Thought It Was, his first opus in six years, which received a mixed reception. Likewise, the tickets for his tour were not snapped up, with some venues remaining half empty according to the specialist press.

It must be said that in the United States, the image of the little prince of pop has become blurred in recent years. Long-married to actress Jessica Biel, the mother of his two children, he publicly apologized in 2019 following the publication of compromising photos with actress Alisha Wainwright, during a shoot. However, he denied having been unfaithful.

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    Britney Spears reveals she had an abortion while dating Justin Timberlake

Then in a sensational biography published last fall, his ex-girlfriend Britney Spears accused him of forcing her to have an abortion when they were a couple in their 20s. At the release of “Selfish” (Egoïste – editor’s note), the first extract Everything I Thought It Was, the singer’s fans responded by placing a song of the same name by the young woman at the top of the charts. Justin Timberlake has never commented on the matter.




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