Tomer Sisley reveals why it took so long for Largo Winch 3 to release

Tomer Sisley reveals why it took so long for Largo Winch 3 to release
Tomer Sisley reveals why it took so long for Largo Winch 3 to release

These last years, Tomer Sisley has often been associated with the series Balthazar in which he played a forensic doctor for five seasons. The final episode was broadcast in February 2023. Since then, the actor has been more discreet and put his energy into new projects, particularly on the big screen. In 2008, he played the businessman and adventurer, Largo Winch, in the eponymous film. Given the success that the production had in cinemas, a second opus was released three years later, and since then, nothing more. However, many people want to know what his character, now a dad, has become.

Tomer Sisley refused to take on the role of Largo Winch for a long time: “I took a step back

On July 31, right during the Paris 2024 Olympic Games, Largo Winch: the price of money will be released in cinemas. On this occasion, the actor was on the show Daily on TMC. Yann Barthès then asked him why he waited so long, namely thirteen years, before making this third part. “After Largo Winch 2I was very afraid of becoming Largo Winch“, confides Tomer Sisley, “I didn’t want to do Largo Winch 3, 4, 5, 6…“Not wanting to be constantly associated with his character, he preferred to move away from it. I took a step back, he admits. However, the teams would have liked to carry out this third part sooner: “We talked about it at the time with the producers, I didn’t say never again, but at that time, I wanted to do other things“. As they say, better late than never!

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The filming of Largo Winch 3 has been “the most grueling of the three films

In an interview he gave us last April, Tomer Sisley spoke about this role that he took up on the big screen: “It’s great to be able to play a character like Largo Winch, it’s unique in a career. Almost all actors miss out on this type of role. However, I had to get back in the saddle a little, a little get back into shape. It’s super exciting because the character has also aged..” However, it was not without difficulty. I tore my shoulder on a motorbike practicing for a stunt before the first day of filming. A few weeks after injuring my shoulder, I had a sledding stunt to do in -30 degree weather. You had to roll down a slope, jump off the sled, all with a torn shoulder. It was quite a challenge.”, he revealed. A shoot which was, for him, “the most grueling of the three films”



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