His drawings on the sand are ephemeral and fade with the tides, Pierre-Louis Cullier is a beach artist

His drawings on the sand are ephemeral and fade with the tides, Pierre-Louis Cullier is a beach artist
His drawings on the sand are ephemeral and fade with the tides, Pierre-Louis Cullier is a beach artist

His canvas is the beach, his brush, a rake. Pierre-Louis Cullier is a beach artist, he draws ephemeral works on the sand. Every day, the tide offers him a new blank canvas to give free rein to his creations.

He was only 14 years old when he discovered the creations of the Royan beach artist, JBen. “I really liked the idea of ​​drawing on the sand. I have been drawing on paper since I was very young.“The beach located just 500 meters from his home provides an ideal playground for expressing his creativity.

I took my gardening rake and went to draw on the beach.“At the beginning, his creations were mandalas, then he gradually explored animals and today portraits. His technique is well established, and he needs little equipment: a rake with two tips and a spool of string attached to a stake. His works take him between one and four hours, depending on his motivation, the size of the drawing and the details he adds.

After four hours, the tide begins to rise, and then I begin to hurry

Pierre-Louis Cullier

Beach artist

Some might be frustrated to see their drawings invaded by the sea, but for Pierre-Louis, it is more of a new blank page that is revealed. “I see it as an opportunity to be able to draw every day on the beach.“To capture his creations, he uses a drone and really discovers them thanks to the videos he makes.


Portrait. Pierre-Louis, the man who drew on beach sand

© Pierre-Louis Cullier

When he draws geometric shapes, he adjusts the proportions by feeling, but for animals or portraits, he prepares his drawings in advance. “I assume that 1 cm is equivalent to 1 step on the sand.

Almost alone on the beach, Pierre-Louis Cullier rakes the sand, giving life to ephemeral works that captivate passers-by. Alongside his artistic passion, he studies graphic design remotely.


Pierre-Louis Cullier, “Beach Art” artist in Saint-Brévin-Les-Pins

© France Télévisions

His activity is very successful. “Since I started my drawings, I have attracted a lot of attention. This allowed me to participate in the La Baule Tedx and have my photo on the cover of the Saint-Brévin tourist guide.

Today, he practices alone, but he would like to be able to offer his services, such as the reproduction of logos, personalized designs, and even respond to wedding requests. The possibilities are numerous.

I wish I could make a living from this passion“, he confides enthusiastically.


Pierre-Louis Cullier, beach artist

© MStream

  • Pierre-Louis Cullier, 14 years old, passionate about beach art.
  • Inspired by the artist JBen, he creates ephemeral works on sand.
  • Use a garden rake and a spool of twine for his creations.
  • Capture his works with a drone to discover and share them.
  • Study graphic design remotely while pursuing your passion.
  • Gained media attention and appeared at events like Tedx.
  • Consider offering bespoke services including custom logos and designs.
  • Wants to live from his artistic passion.

To see his works on Instagram and Facebook: @arteffectmer

Article originally published in September 2023

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