Laurent Luyat makes his new couple official!

Laurent Luyat makes his new couple official!
Laurent Luyat makes his new couple official!

As he prepares to launch his summer marathon at Roland-Garros, Laurent Luyat has confirmed his presence at the helm of Quel Jeux! during the Olympics alongside Léa Salamé.

Roland-Garros, Tour de France then Olympic and Paralympic Games: the France Télévisions sports department will be on all fronts this summer. And like every year, Laurent Luyat will be in particular demand. The Grenoblois will thus be on the terrace of the Court Philippe Chatrier from Sunday for the Roland-Garros Tournament then will continue with Vélo-Club this summer during the three weeks of the Tour de France.

Above all, the France Télévisions journalist will officiate during the Olympic and Paralympic Games. ” I calculate. Until September 8, I have 60 days of live », he confided to this effect to Culture Médias on Europe 1. And during the Games, Laurent Luyat will work hard. Because after having officiated on set from 6:30 p.m. in the relay of Cécile Grès then Matthieu Lartot, the former Progrès will continue at the helm of “Quelle Jeux! » alongside Léa Salamé.

Laurent Luyat fan of variety

Laurent Luyat confirmed it on Thomas Isle’s microphone, giving some clues as to what awaits viewers. “With Léa, we’re going to let go. It’s really the end of the day, we’re after 16 hours of live broadcast. We will welcome all the medalists and all the people who love the Olympic Games. It will be live for almost two hours. There will be happenings”he announced

“I am very happy because France Télévisions has also entrusted me with the presentation of entertainment programs for a year, he whispered. I love that. Since I was little, I wanted to present variety shows. Sport is my passion but variety shows, French songs, I love that. » The native of Isère was also at the presentation of the concert scheduled on the occasion of the arrival of the flame in Marseille or the Concert d’un soir program organized in Aix-en-Provence.



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