“In his eyes…”, Dany Boon, Alice Pol’s barely heated declaration for the actor in the middle of an interview

“In his eyes…”, Dany Boon, Alice Pol’s barely heated declaration for the actor in the middle of an interview
“In his eyes…”, Dany Boon, Alice Pol’s barely heated declaration for the actor in the middle of an interview

She has long played small roles in the cinema and trod the stage of the theater. But it was only in 2014 that Alice Pol gained notoriety among the general public with Superchondriac. In this comedy by and with Dany Boon, the actress plays one of the leading roles, that of the wife of the protagonist played by the actor of Welcome to the Ch’tis.

With this film seen by more than five million people at the cinema, Alice Pol finally becomes an actress known and recognized by spectators. A few years later, she became the headliner of another big Dany Boon comedy, Crazy Raid.

Alice Pol, “finally” actress thanks to Dany Boon

Guest on the show Click on Canal+, Alice Pol returned in detail to this bond that she forged with Dany Boon over the years. The meeting took place in 2011, on the set of the film A perfect plan by Pascal Chaumeil.

The friendly love at first sight is immediate. It was the first time I felt like I was becoming an actress. In his eyes, I was funny, cool, original. We were in this movie but we didn’t have any scenes together.”recalls the actress.

She then says that it was when Dany Boon watched the film in its entirety that he discovered her. Alice Pol shares the screen mainly with Diane Kruger, co-star of Dany Boon. “It was when Dany saw the film that he said: ‘But she’s great, I should see her in a test.’ » » Director Pascal Chaumeil agrees and asks him to take her in a future film. A process which will still take time to put in place.

Dany thought I was a little too young for the role so we did some tests. And they also came to see me at the theater, where I performed for an hour and a half. And that’s what started it all

Alice Pol

A “deep friendship” between the two actors

The actress was also convinced that Dany Boon would not choose her for one of his films, even going so far as to discredit herself in front of him! “At the beginning, when we presented A perfect plan in lots of cities, I didn’t understand that he was thinking of me for the role. We had passed tests but there were other secondary roles to take. I even said you should take this one, it’s great. He had the elegance not to make me understand too much that I was in this little list”reveals Alice Pol.

Because she doesn’t hide it: Alice Pol was a real fan of Dany Boon! “I had a lot of admiration for him. I did his sketches when I was little so I was still very impressed”remembers the actress.

But today, a true friendship has been created between the two actors. “I sometimes ask him for advice, I sent him my books. There is a lot of respect, deep friendship, admiration and sharing between us she confides to Pauline Clavière, exceptional replacement for Mouloud Achour.

For the moment, the two accomplices have no new collaboration planned. Dany Boon will, however, be at the heart of another big project with one of the other important women in his life: Laurence Arné, his real wife. The couple is starring in The Hennedricks Familywhich is scheduled for release in French theaters on June 26.



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