News comes to shake up Christelle and Gino in If we still loved each other

Anne Boyer, the creator and producer of If we still loved each otherlooks back on the second week of the show, during which our four couples committed to improving their relationship, highlighting themes such as the desire for motherhood, forgiveness and conciliation.

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See the future differently

This week, Louise invited Stephanie And Kevin to answer a questionnaire on infidelity. “We know that Stéphanie is not ready to forgive her partner. Before this great upheaval, Keven was very controlling towards Stéphanie, who was struggling to find fulfillment as a woman. Keven is now making efforts to be less egocentric. He went shopping with the girls and made Stephanie her favorite meal. He wants to change the relationship. We feel a positive transformation in the family dynamic, but the path towards reconciliation is not won!”


Childhood wounds

We learned that Gino cherishes the project of moving to Gaspésie, while Christelle is not ready to leave. “She suffered from depression and is just starting to get back on track. Gino was open to discussing this project again in a few months. We were treated to a very touching moment with Gino in consultation with Louise, where he spoke about his difficult childhood with an aunt who raised him and who used physical and verbal violence towards him. Since then, he has had difficulty asserting himself, because he fears hurting others the way he was hurt. Louise suggested the couple buy a notebook to leave each other sweet little notes every day. They took this suggestion to heart by purchasing a notebook and writing to themselves. Christelle is also more careful with her alcohol consumption, which had an impact on her behavior towards Gino!”


>>>>For Kathy and Guillaume, deep desires complicate the relationship.

For Kathy and Guillaume, deep desires complicate the relationship.

Desire for motherhood

The question of having children was raised between Guillaume And Kathy. “She wants kids, and that’s non-negotiable. She knows it’s not the right time, but she knows she won’t wait until the end of time. They have a lot of issues to sort out first. We saw them shopping for ceramics, which brought its share of tensions. Guillaume does not give up, he wants to be right at all costs, which leads to quarrels. Kathy told Louise that she is a bubbly woman, in order to hide her childhood with a toxic stepfather. She always wants to buy peace and create good humor, which is complicated with Guillaume!”

>>>>Madeleine and Michel reproduced the choreography of their wedding.

Madeleine and Michel reproduced the choreography of their wedding.

Always faster!

Madeleine And Michael, this is the lightest couple of the season. Their issues lie in terms of rhythm and social class. For Madeleine, things always have to go quickly, and that creates irritants with Michel. They went on a kayak trip, to the great pleasure of Michel, but less so of Madeleine. We also saw Madeleine’s more bourgeois side towards her partner while he bought clothes in a thrift store, while she swears by new clothes!

Surprise message!

A piece of news comes to jostle Christelle and Gino during a boat trip. A surprising text announces to Christelle a very positive change in their life. After difficult years, would the tide finally turn in their favor? The camera crew captures one of the most gripping moments in the show’s history.

• Read also: 5 hilarious quotes from Madeleine and Michel in If we still loved each other

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