Bastogne: overcoming differences through photography

Bastogne: overcoming differences through photography
Bastogne: overcoming differences through photography

Alice was born on February 6, 2012, in the early hours of the morning. What should be happy for parents turned into a real upheaval in just a few moments. But what is it ? Well Alice was born with a congenital giant nevi (CNG) that took up the entire surface of her back and hundreds of satellite nevi. To be less medical, his body is full of “moles”. This attack is not known to the public because it is very rare. And this led to many inappropriate reactions like “She has chickenpox”, “She painted?” “Did you dress up?” “Did you play in the mud” or even “Did she fall in the tar?” or many others, each as indelicate as the next.

Inappropriate reactions

“Alice has had to face all these remarks from a very young ageexplains his dad Bastognard Thierry Ahn. And most of them don’t come from children, but from adults. Not to mention the insistent looks, inappropriate attitudes and gestures which are not always easy to accept. And finally should the lack of culture, the lack of education, good manners and respect of a few be afflicted?

To move forward, Thierry Ahn wanted to show and explain through photographs. “ This thought has been bothering me for years.he admits. Immortalize moments to be able to share them and change the outlook of others. May clichés trivialize difference, for Alice and all Alices.” And to continue: “Like what the film “The Eighth Day” was able to bring to people’s view of Down syndrome, I would like, in all modesty, on my scale (I am not a filmmaker), to be able to make even with the congenital giant nevus through this photographic report.”

Wait for Alice’s agreement

The amateur photographer therefore found a means of expression in this medium, after having followed social promotion courses. However, he hesitated before showing his work on Alice. “Even though I had this report and exhibition project in the back of my mind for years (without knowing how to “put it to music” at first), I didn’t want to realize it without Alice’s agreement, without her being old enough to understand the process and without her fully adhering to it, which is why I waited until now. She has been 12 since February.

Thierry Ahn’s photo report will be visible during the Rencontres Photographiques d’Arlon, at the former Palais de Justice (Place Léopold) from May 9 to June 1. Open every day from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m., except Monday.




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