The intercommunal art school of the west opens its doors to the world of art

The intercommunal art school of the west opens its doors to the world of art

This Wednesday, September 11, 2024, the Western Territory inaugurates, after 10 years of development, the intercommunal artistic school of the west (EAIO) at the Françoise Lallemand artistic center. In a desire to democratize access to culture and to promote the artistic development of the inhabitants of the western sector, the structure was established in the heights of Saint-Paul and more precisely in Plateau Caillou to develop the dynamics of the neighborhood. While paying tribute to local artists who have passed away… but also those who are still alive because “there is no point in waiting until they are gone” (Photo: sly/

A year after the construction of the Françoise Lallemand arts center, it’s back to school time for amateur and established artists at the intercommunal arts school of the west (EAIO). After 10 years of development, the president of the Western Territory, Emmanuel Séraphin, does not hide his satisfaction: “this project was already a great success in the high schools, in the low schools and in the gymnasiums and we wanted to repeat the experience”. Because indeed: “before this year, the EAIO had no walls”, he admits.

In total, 70 artist-teachers will teach a little over 1,000 students on 31 sites. A school where they will be able to learn “singing, music, dance, circus arts and take pottery classes”, adds the president of the Western Territory. A way to allow young and old to benefit from cultural training “for pleasure or to have a career tomorrow”.

“In this structure inaugurated this year, each room bears the name of artists, some of whom have unfortunately left us. But we also wanted there to be artists who today continue to shine in Reunion and beyond its borders, such as Danyèl Waro, DJ Dan and René Lacaille,” says Emmanuel Séraphin. Look

– Artists engraved in stone –

“I came to see if my name was displayed in the room as I had been told and it is indeed the case. It’s pure joy,” admits René Lacaille, a local artist. The maloya chameleon adds: “it’s rare to see your name in big letters. In general, the name is only displayed when the person is dead and that makes us all the more happy.” Look

Satisfaction is also present in the artist Danyèl Waro. Nevertheless, the latter does not forget his struggle of always: “If you put my name, by respect you make marsh in pe my struggle for the Creole language. It is not our fault as in all schools, it is our fault we speak French”. “If a person on the other side of the sea happens to speak his language and we translate, it’s the same for Creole”. Look

“For the first time I am discovering the place, everything is new, the equipment and the rooms. It is a pride to mix DJing and culture”, admits DJ Dan, music teacher at the EAIO. “Lé ékri an kréol lamontrèr, sé inn pride”, admits the DJ. Look

– Clear objectives that the school sets for itself –

“We wanted to promote and communicate about the school to make it more accessible. Often when we mentioned the school we were faced with faces distorted by incomprehension and today it works much better thanks to the work carried out”, specifies Roxanne Pausé Damour, president of the EAIO. She emphasizes: “I am in this strategy of making the school shine since it has been there for 10 years”. Look

The school sets itself the following challenges for this year 2024:

– Democratize culture: the school offers access to quality artistic education to a wide audience, thus promoting personal development and social inclusion.

– Promote Reunion’s cultural heritage: by paying tribute to great Reunion artists, the school helps to preserve and transmit local cultural heritage.

– Develop the territory economically and culturally: the school is a driving force in the cultural and economic development of the Western Territory.

– Improve the living environment of residents: the school is part of a larger urban project aimed at improving the living environment of the residents of Plateau Caillou.

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News from Reunion, Western Territory, Saint-Paul, Intercommunal Arts School of the West


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