: reflection in progress at the Louvre museum, the Mona Lisa could be moved:

: reflection in progress at the Louvre museum, the Mona Lisa could be moved:
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Guest of , Saturday April 27, the president of the famous Parisian museum raised the possibility of transferring Leonardo da Vinci’s major work “in a separate room”. In 2023, nearly 9 million people will visit the Louvre.

Telephones held up to immortalize the moment, an influx of amazed people… Every day, the Louvre museum is the scene of crowd scenes around the most famous painting in the world: The Mona Lisa. A popularity that continues. So much so that the management of the famous Parisian institution is considering the promotion of the work painted by Leonardo da Vinci in the 16th century. This is the announcement made by the president of the museum, Laurence Des Cars.

Guest of https://twitter.com/franceinter/status/1784129253333758080?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1784129253333758080%7Ctwgr%5Eff89ce0a00be9cfda06140aa23740a7711c29b6f%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.huffingtonpost.fr%2Fculture%2Farticle%2Fau-louvre-l-idee-d-une-salle-a-part-pour-la-joconde-fait-son-chemin-selon-la-presidente-du-musee_233231.htmlSaturday April 27, the former president of the Musée d’Orsay revealed that the Louvre Museum was considering transferring The Mona Lisa In “a separate room”. “We are considering this improvement in conjunction with the Ministry of Culture”she said, calling it “necessary”.

20,000 observers of the Mona Lisa every day

The Mona Lisa is today an integral part of the largest room of the museum, the Salle des Estates, where the paintings of the great Venetian masters of the Renaissance are gathered. But the presence of this small painting is imposing. Many visitors flock to the Louvre with the sole objective of photographing themselves in front of it. According to Laurence des Cars, “80% of visitors to the Louvre (…), or 20,000 every day, see The Mona Lisa.”

With nearly 9 million visitors in 2023, the Louvre remains the most visited museum in the world. During the Games, from July 26 to August 11, the establishment will be able to accommodate up to 30,000 people, a quota set by the cultural authorities.

published on April 28 at 10:05 a.m., Antoine Grotteria, 6Medias




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