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LIVE – WYD 2023 in Lisbon: Pope Francis celebrates the closing mass

⇒ 10:06 a.m. [MESSE] The liturgy begins

The choir sings the Kyrie then the Gloria in Latin after the pope recited the confession of sins standing facing the congregation. Like the speeches, all the songs are translated live into sign language. Mass is celebrated in Portuguese.

⇒ 10:02 a.m. [DISCOURS] Pope Francis, young among the young

The Patriarch of Lisbon thanks the Pope for his presence and his words over the past few days. He assures her ” gratitude ” and the “constant prayer” of the Portuguese, a prayer directed in particular to his health and his ministry.

“You are the youngest among the young people present herei”concludes the Patriarch of Lisbon after praising the presence and dynamism of the Pope in recent days.

⇒ 10 hours [DÉBUT DE LA MESSE] Pope Francis takes over

The bishops and cardinals arrived in procession and the pope sat behind the altar. The Patriarch of Lisbon incenses the altar and the statue of Our Lady of Fatima.

⇒ 9:55 a.m. [RASSEMBLEMENT] 700 bishops and 10,000 priests present

700 bishops and 10,000 priests from all over the world are present to attend the closing mass celebrated by Pope Francis which has just begun. Among the 688 registered bishops, 30 cardinals.

⇒ 9:45 a.m. [TÉMOIGNAGES] Pilgrims eagerly await the Pope

The young people gathered on the banks of the Tagus rejoice to see the Francis

“It’s the first time I’ve seen the pope, it’s wonderful”, says Alex, who came from East Timor to take part in these days. Another pilgrim, Walter, originally from Argentina, expresses his pride in attending a mass celebrated by his compatriot, the pope.

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⇒ 9:40 a.m. [6 AOÛT] The Feast of the Transfiguration

This Sunday, we celebrate the Transfiguration, an episode of the Gospels where Jesus changes his appearance to reveal his divine nature to Peter, James and John.

⇒ 9:35 a.m. [CANICULE] Frequent discomfort while waiting for the Pope

Young people follow the Pope’s arrival on giant screens. A few dozen meters from the stage, several infirmary tents are open. With the heat, discomfort is common. The organizers are giving advice on how to hold on despite the heat, water points and distribution of sunscreen have been set up.

⇒ 9:30 a.m. [LIEU] A mass celebrated in Tagus Park or field of grace »

The mass takes place in a park of about 100 ha, between Lisbon and the municipality of Loures, with a view of the Vasco de Gama bridge. Located partly on a “area that was until recently a dump”as the mayor of Lisbon, Carlos Moedas, recalled, the Tagus Park has been completely rehabilitated to become the main place to welcome the crowds of WYD 2023. This is where the big vigil took place last night prayer after which the young pilgrims spent the night there.

⇒ 9:20 a.m. [PAPAMOBILE] The pope takes a tour of the park before going to the sacristy

François takes a tour of the park in his popemobile. Beside him is the Patriarch of Lisbon. To ensure his safety, the pope is surrounded by Swiss guards and Vatican gendarmes. Dozens of Portuguese police are also present.

François should arrive at the sacristy at 9:45 a.m. The young people follow his arrival on the giant screens placed in the park.

⇒ 9:15 a.m. [TÉMOIGNAGE] “The Church is alive and young”

Sister Frances came from Puerto Rico to attend these World Youth Days. She sees in young people the future of the Church “The Church is alive and young, we see the future of the Church. The Holy Father is the best! He touched their hearts. »

⇒ 9:10 a.m. [SACERDOCE] The largest gathering of priests in the world

On the spot, we meet nuns and priests wearing chasubles in the colors of WYD. Many bishops have already taken their places in the stands and are waiting for the pope.

Coming with the diocese of , Father Bernard took part in his eighth WYD. “It is a great joy to see all these young people. For me, it is a bath of youth”he says.

“Our group is leaving its security zonerejoices for his part Father Etienne Guillet, parish priest of this city of , they experience the joy and wonder of the universal they experience in their parish, but 100,000 power here. The young people of Portuguese origin in our group are very proud. And the pope’s words will allow us to bounce back with young people during the year”.

⇒ 9:05 a.m. [VIDÉO] Pope Francis, the highlights of the pontificate

While waiting for the mass celebrated by Pope Francis, we invite you to watch our video series on the images that shape his pontificate. From the island of Lampedusa to Iraq, via the Amazon, the journalists of The cross return to these emblematic photos and draw, through them, the portrait of a pope who is both humble and determined.

⇒ 8:55 a.m. [TÉMOIGNAGES] Pilgrims eager to attend Mass

Young people wake up gently after a night under the stars. Half awake, they wait patiently for the start of mass.

“We’re tired, so we didn’t sleep too badly. We are happy, because we are well placed, ” says Fulcran, 18, from Hérault.

Rocio, a 23-year-old Spaniard from Asturias, adds: ” I’m exhausted. The night has been long! But I want to see the Pope again. He came when he was ill to bring his message to young people. His speech on the Church for all speaks to me”.

⇒ 8:40 a.m. [RÉVEIL] The day after the vigil of prayer and adoration

Pope Francis, who arrived in the Popemobile at Tagus Park yesterday, was greeted by scenes of jubilation from pilgrims massed against the barriers to greet him. He presided over a great prayer vigil before a million and a half young people gathered in Lisbon.

Pope Francis encouraged those listening to him to be considerate of others.

⇒ 8:30 a.m. [CÉLÉBRATION] WYD closing mass celebrated at 10 a.m.

The closing mass of the World Youth Days will begin at 9 a.m. in Lisbon, or 10 a.m. in . This celebration, which will be attended by one and a half million pilgrims, from 200 countries, will be chaired by the Pope. At the end of this mass, the date and the host city of the next WYD will be announced. Francis will then return to Rome.

Hello and welcome to this live broadcast dedicated to the closing mass of World Youth Day, presided over by Pope Francis, on Sunday August 6 in Lisbon. Follow the celebration, from 10 a.m., with the special envoys of The crossCécile Mérieux, Matthieu Lasserre, Arnaud Bevilacqua and Loup Besmond de Senneville, and on video with KTO.


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