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Climate activist flies to Mexico after blocking highway | Ecology

His name probably doesn’t mean much to you. Max Voegtli, a young man from Zurich in his thirties, is a climate activist, spokesperson for the association “Renovate Switzerland”, which advocates, as its name suggests, for the renovation and insulation of buildings. in order to reduce heating needs and therefore greenhouse gas emissions.

Max Voegtli took part in several climate actions, including the blocking of the Gotthard tunnel, the fourth longest in the world, during the Easter weekend last April. The blockage had angered many motorists stuck in traffic jams.

As relayed by several Swiss media, Max Voegtli was seen last Thursday at Zurich airport, where he was going to take the plane to Mexico via . A flight criticized by many Swiss Internet users. “Do as I say, not as I do,” an eyewitness quipped to Zurich media ZüriToday.

“It’s not like I go to London every week”

Max Voegtli, climate activist

Max Voegtli explained to the 20 Minutes site that he and his partner looked for other more ecological solutions than the plane to go to Central America, in vain. The couple will travel to Mexico for two and a half months using public transport, he said.

The young man also responded to criticism in a video posted on the ZüriToday website. “It’s not like I go to London every week. I am a private person and rarely fly. I make sure to live as reasonably as possible,” he said.


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