The Brazilian government condemned the “contempt for fundamental rights” of 88 Brazilians expelled from the United States on Saturday, which was handcuffed during the trip.
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The Brazilian Ministry of Justice ordered the American authorities to “immediately withdraw the handcuffs” when the plane carrying the expelled landed in Manaus (North), denouncing the “flagrant contempt for fundamental rights” of its citizens, according to a press release .
A Brazilian government source stressed AFP on Friday that there was no “direct relationship” between this expulsion and the operation against illegal immigrants, launched in the United States after the inauguration of Donald Trump on January 20 .
“This flight is part of another context: a bilateral agreement between Brazil and the United States, of 2017, which remains in force,” said this source.
In the official note, the Brazilian authorities recall that “the dignity of the human person” is “one of the pillars of the rule of democratic law” and is “non -negotiable values”.
-Federal police (PF) said in another press release that the flight from the United States had landed on Friday evening with “88 Brazilians” on board.
The plane was heading for the city of Belo Horizonte (southeast), but had a technical problem and had to spend the night in Manaus, an initially planned stop.
“The Brazilians who arrived handcuffed were immediately released from their handcuffs,” said the police, “as a guarantee of Brazilian sovereignty on the national territory”.
Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula Da Silva ordered on Saturday that a Brazilian air force plane will take care of the transfer of expelled to the final destination, Belo Horizonte.
Donald Trump promised during his campaign to launch “the biggest expulsion program in American history”. The White House tarnished this week of the arrest of hundreds of “illegal criminal migrants”, stressing that they had been expelled by military planes rather than civilians, as was the case previously.
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