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mortality among children falls by 13%

One year after the launch of the program (still a short period from an epidemiological point of view), health authorities are examining the signs of its impact and the first indicators are promising, according to a press release from Gavi.

Data released in January by Cameroon’s Expanded Immunization Program shows that 57% of districts that received the vaccine recorded a drop in malaria-related deaths among children under five.

“In a country with a high burden of morbidity like Cameroon, where malaria causes more than 13,000 deaths per year and represents nearly 30% of all hospital consultations, each percentage point of reduction in cases, deaths and consultations represent transformed lives”commented Gavi Director, Dr Sania Nishtar, in the press release.

“These early data are just a small indicator of the potential public health impact of a program we hope to expand significantly by the end of the decade, to protect tens of millions of children across the world. world and reduce the pressure that malaria places on African health systems”she noted.

17 countries already concerned, soon 8 more

Malaria, transmitted by the bites of certain mosquitoes, caused 597,000 deaths in 2023. The use of two anti-malaria vaccines, RTS,S and R21/Matrix-M, is now recommended by the WHO in the areas concerned.

From 2019 to 2023, nearly 2 million children in Ghana, Kenya and the pilot country Malawi were vaccinated with RTS,S.

Studies conducted on the vaccine pilot program showed a 13% reduction in all-cause mortality among vaccinated children.


So far, 17 African countries have introduced the malaria vaccine into their immunization program, including the three pilot countries. More than 9.8 million doses have been distributed since January 2024.

Gavi estimates that 5 million children have been able to receive the vaccine, and plans to introduce the malaria vaccine in 6 to 8 new countries this year, including Uganda, Ethiopia, Guinea, Mali and Burundi, to to protect 13 million additional children.

“Between 2026 and 2030, Gavi aims to help countries protect an additional 50 million children with four doses of malaria vaccine”said the Geneva-based organization.

With AFP


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