RTL-TVi would not have ensured balance
According to the audiovisual regulator, the RTL-TVi program did not ensure balance and representativeness of all political parties in its broadcast.
According to information from the Libreseveral complaints were filed by lists, parties, and citizens who felt that the political balance had not been respected in the program, in particular by not giving the opposition enough time to speak. The file is currently under investigation. There would have already been a notice of grievance as well as a hearing with the editor (RTL-TVi).
For its part, the CDJ assures that it has, by virtue of the decree of April 30, 2009, decision-making priority in this type of case. For the CDJ, the broadcast complied with the principles of ethics.
This is not the first time that the CSA has acted in this way and refused to forward complaints to it, regrets the CDJ. By not respecting “the decree of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation which gives the first line to journalistic self-regulation on questions with dual competence”the CSA “assumes prerogatives that it does not have, and thus undermines the freedom and independence of the media, by seeking to directly influence information content“, warns the CDJ.
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In this specific case, the council of journalistic ethics considers that the intervention in the coverage of elections of a regulatory body, which, although independent, is composed of members designated by political leaders, is all the more problematic.
The CDJ fears that the actions of the CSA will ultimately create a precedent which would threaten the free exercise of the right to information and assures that it will put “all in action” to put an end to this interference.
-A divergence of interpretation of the decree
In substance, it appears that a divergence of interpretation clearly exists on this decree, between the CSA and the CDJ.
Contacted by the Librethe CSA spokesperson confirms having read the CDJ press release, but does not wish to react, at least immediately.
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But the point of view generally defended by the CSA consists of considering that there are electoral regulations, during an election period, and that they apply to all publishers (public or private), particularly concerning visibility granted to each list over the entire electoral campaign. In this case, which concerns the program “les 48h des bourgmestres”, the CSA seems to consider, since it has opened an investigation, that a potential violation of the electoral regulations has been committed.
The CSA generally considers that the self-regulation of the CDJ applies to respect for ethics, therefore journalistic work as such (have there been contradictory questions, etc.). The CSA, on the other hand, seems to consider that respect for pluralism and political balance, during electoral periods, falls within its competence, and that the CDJ is not competent on this matter.
No decision on sanctions (or non-sanctions) has yet been taken, but it could be made shortly.
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