The Kremlin on Thursday rejected the Polish accusation that Russia had planned “acts of terror” in air transport around the world, deeming it “absolutely unfounded”.
“In general, this is just another absolutely unfounded accusation against Russia,” Vladimir Putin’s spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters, responding to comments made Wednesday by Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk. “Poland is well known for its unfounded accusations and is even trying here to maintain its leadership over other European countries,” he quipped.
On Wednesday, Donald Tusk said Russia had planned “acts of terror” on air travel around the world.
“Without going into detail, I can confirm the validity of the fears that Russia has planned acts of terror in the air, not only against Poland, but also against airlines around the world,” Mr. Tusk during a joint press briefing with his Ukrainian guest.
-Earlier this week, the American newspaper The New York Times had reported that American intelligence suspected Russia of planning to send explosive devices on cargo planes bound for the United States.
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