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What to do in the garden this weekend of January 4 and 5: advice from our specialist Marc Knaepen

And still in the vast world of seeds, it’s time, by the fire, to check the expiration dates of the seed packets that are still in your possession. If this date has long passed, it is advisable to eliminate them and buy new ones. As a reminder: to maintain the germination power of seeds, it is essential to store them in the vegetable drawer of the refrigerator, at 4-5°C.

If you purchased bare-root trees or shrubs and were unable to plant them immediately, due to lack of weather or the weather predicting frost, place them under gauge without delay. You will start planting during the next mild spell.

If you have purchased a Christmas tree with a root ball, you must plant it in the garden without delay, otherwise it will quickly die out due to the heat of our interiors. Be careful, however, because these conifers can reach a considerable height in adulthood: a Nordmann can reach… 30 m with a wingspan of 5-6 m. Unthinkable in a medium-sized garden and even less so in a small garden.

If the frosts intensify, don’t forget to place winter veils around slightly fragile plants (Camellia for example) and to mulch the soil to protect the roots.


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