James Jeffrey directs the Middle East program at the Wilson Center, a think tank in Washington. Former ambassador to Turkey (2008-2010), then to Iraq (2010-2012), he was then appointed, under the Trump administration, special envoy of the United States for Syria and to the international coalition against the organization Islamic State (IS).
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The United States was taken by surprise by the speed of the fall of the Syrian regime. What are Washington’s priorities now?
First, red lines. Chemical and biological weapons must be protected or destroyed. Next, the United States does not want its forces deployed east of the Euphrates, or the Syrian Democratic Forces [dominées par les Kurdes] be destabilized by the entry of the Turks or by their allies, the Syrian National Army. We want the October 2019 agreement to be respected. Finally, we want Iran to stay out, this is an objective shared with Israel.
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