DayFR Euro

“Germany is taking stock of its bunkers!” I hope you have a good cellar…”. Charles SANNAT's editorial

My dear impertinent ones, dear impertinent ones,

“Tensions with Russia: Germany launches a census of its bunkers and shelters in the event of an attack” is the worrying title of this article from Sud-Ouest (source here), but that is not all.

Hold on tight, Olaf Scholz's government is encouraging Germans to create shelters in their homes, by converting their cellars or garages!!

So I hope you have a good cellar or a good parking lot near you, because in , there are no bunkers or shelters for the civilian population in the event of war.

There are shelters for our politicians. The government obviously and also our deputies or our senators. But not for the population.

That's socialism.

Remember the logic with masks during Covid. This is not a question of saying whether masks were useful or not, simply of understanding how the brain of our politicians and the State works. As there was no mask for everyone, it was a mask for no one. Remember those people who were arrested for “illegal” sale of masks… on the free market!!


But it will be the same in the event of war.

Since there are not enough shelters for everyone, it will be shelters… for no one.

This is how France functions, combined with its intrinsic genetic socialism and inherent in reality to the ideals of the French revolution.

The only shelter you will have will be the one you make yourself with your sense of autonomy, foresight and resilience, with your individual responsibility.

I hope you have a good cellar!

“The German government indicated this Monday that it wanted to increase the number of bunkers and shelters available, where the population could take refuge in the event of an attack

German authorities announced on Monday that they were in the process of listing bunkers and shelters where the population could find refuge in the event of an attack, wishing to increase their number, in a context of increased tensions with Russia.

“All buildings – including private property – which could serve as shelter, such as cellars, garages and metro stations” are being inventoried, said a spokesperson for the German Interior Ministry , during a regular press briefing in Berlin.

“A digital directory of all bunkers will be established so that people can quickly find them using their mobile phones,” he added.

Citizens will also be encouraged to create shelters in their homes, by converting their cellars or garages, he continued.

The German daily “Bild” described this plan as a “bunker offensive” in a country increasingly worried about a potential Russian threat.

The ongoing inventory “will take time,” said the spokesperson, who did not give a timetable.

The German figures are a far cry from the Swiss figures!

“Currently, Germany, with a population of 83 million, has 579 bunkers, mostly dating from World War II and the Cold War era, which can house 480,000 people.”

This is enough to raise popular anxiety a notch and is reminiscent of the Cold War, when the Americans were so afraid of the Cuban missile crisis that they all dug shelters in their gardens.

Since then we have made some progress in terms of knowledge both on radioactive fallout and on protection methods.

Unless you are protecting yourself from the blast of a direct nuclear explosion, “watertight” housing can protect you effectively and at the lowest cost in reality. More serious, radioactive fallout is like port salute, it is marked on it and therefore fallout means fallout. And this is as low as it can go. Logic. If you are in a leaky basement, or in a leaky cellar, you will have more fallout in the basement than on an upper floor. Logic. A fallout falls.

Conclusion ?

Don't panic, but if you're still anxious or worried, just start by objectifying and rationalizing things. That’s the whole point of knowledge and “preparations”. When you know, you do less stupid things, and don't count on the State to give you the real protection measures that you should take. What the State does will always be too little and too late.

So… things are simple.


A collapse is a rapid simplification of a complex society.

Don't expect the state to protect you. Let him provide you with your iodine tablets. Let him explain to you how the fallout falls or not. The only thing the state wants is for you not to panic. The State wants public order.

If you all died in order and calm, it will suit him perfectly.

When the great winds of history blow, ask not what the State can do for you… but what you can do for your own security. The rest is quibbles.

It's already too late, but all is not lost.

Get ready!

Charles SANNAT

“Insolentiae” means “impertinence” in Latin
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“By wanting to stifle peaceful revolutions, we make violent revolutions inevitable” (JFK)

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