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SENEGAL-AFRICA-POLITICS / Mauritanian presidential election: reactions from candidates – Senegalese press agency

From the APS special envoy: Abdou Kogne Sall

Nouakchott, June 29 (APS) – The main candidates for the presidential election in the Islamic Republic of Mauritania reacted after completing the vote, each commenting on their expectations, apprehensions and comments on the progress of the process.

The outgoing head of state, candidate for his own succession, praised the atmosphere that prevailed during the electoral campaign, reflecting, according to him, “the high level of consciousness of citizens and their attachment to national cohesion”.

Mohamed Ould Cheikh El Ghazouani, in remarks in Arabic translated by the Mauritanian Information Agency (AMI), at the same time expressed his “satisfaction” with the atmosphere of calm, security and tranquility in which carry out voting operations throughout the national territory and abroad.

“The success of the election depends on the CENI, the Independent National Electoral Commission (CENI) and all the stakeholders,” said candidate Bilal Ibn Rabah in Riyadh at a school in the capital.

The candidate El Id Mohameden M’bareck, for his part, after having fulfilled his civic duty, called on all stakeholders to “show responsibility and positive spirit” in the management of the presidential election.

For his part, Mamadou Bocar Ba, welcomed the conduct of the vote, not without mentioning to regret it, “the fact that thousands of Mauritanians are deprived of the vote by not having been enrolled on the electoral lists”.

Biram Dah Abeid, presented by observers as the main challenger to the outgoing president, deplored “the continuation of the campaign in favor of Mohamed Ould Cheikh El Ghazouani beyond the legal period”.

The anti-slavery activist also protested against what he considered to be “the CENI’s refusal to organize a welcoming ceremony for him like the other candidates.”

Mohamed Lemine El Mourtegi El Wafi, who also voted in Nouakchott, called on the other candidates to “work towards serenity and the general interest.”

Nearly two million Mauritanians have been going to the polls since 7 a.m. to choose a President of the Republic.

According to some testimonies from actors and observers, operations are proceeding normally across the country despite some difficulties deplored by candidates.

The 4,510 polling stations spread across the country must close from 7 p.m.



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