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LCI DOCUMENT – Kharkiv Front: rearmed Ukraine slows down the Russian advance

Fighting continues in the north of the city of Vovchansk.

According to the Ukrainian General Staff, the situation is under control.

Rearmed, Ukraine actually managed to stop the Russian advance in this area.

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War in Ukraine: TF1 and LCI on the ground

A city attacked but which manages to resist. In Vovchansk, where our special correspondents went seven weeks after the offensive of the Russian army on the north of the Kharkiv region, the rearmed Ukraine manages to defend itself with soldiers who know no respite.

In the forest, six kilometers from this city, the sound of gunfire is incessant. Russian drones are spotted. For the Ukrainian soldiers, they must be eliminated.

“We are not leading far”

On this section of the front, the arrival of Western shells rebalanced the balance of power. “We hit the nail on the head, we worked really well,” Yuri, a Ukrainian soldier, told LCI.

The stakes are high, because since May, the Russians have seized a third of Vovchansk. “North of Vovchansk, there is a butcher’s shop. It’s the first position the Russians took… Now we’ve pushed them back there. Pigs in a butcher’s shop, that’s not bad, right?” adds the soldier.

On the other hand, the Russians have an additional weapon: aviation. These guided aerial bombs are the deadliest in the Russian arsenal. Against them… nothing can resist.It falls there! When you have to hide in a hole like that… it sure doesn’t lead you far.” comments Serhii, another soldier, as a bomb hits the ground.

If he can’t do anything against the planes… Serhii is responsible for eliminating all the drones that venture a little too close. “This is what this war wants. It has turned into a drone war. There are places on the front where there is nothing but drones fighting each other.”explains Serhii again.

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    LCI DOCUMENT – “They are afraid of losing everything”: the difficult evacuation of civilians around Vovtchansk

Vovchansk has indeed become a ghost town. Of the 18,000 pre-war inhabitants… less than 50 still survive there today.

AS | Report: Solenn Riou, Gabriel Haurillon, with Eugène Lvovsky


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