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3-Meter Hole Forms Under Inflatable Pool: 20-Month-Old Baby Sinks Into Ground Before Frightened Mother’s Eyes

A 20-month-old boy was almost swallowed by a hole that formed while he was playing in his inflatable pool in New Jersey (United States), this Monday, June 24, 2024.

On Monday, June 24, 2024, a 20-month-old baby nearly lost his life in an extraordinary accident. The latter was splashing around in a small inflatable pool in the garden of the family home in Fair Lawn, New Jersey (United States), reports News12.

Suddenly the mother hears a loud noise as if “it was the swimming pool that exploded”. She looked around and saw her son sinking into the ground. “I grabbed him immediately. He was crying, totally scared.”says the mother.

Safe and sound

In fact, a three-meter chasm was created under the weight of the swimming pool, which was nevertheless small. Her son Josiah is safe but the mother no longer feels safe“I can’t sleep anymore. I get anxious every time I think about it. I wonder what could have happened if I hadn’t watched him,” she explains.

She called a company to check the hole and see if it was spreading toward the house. This could endanger the family, which would then be forced to move.


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