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towards the creation of a BRICS grain exchange –

NWe are grateful to all BRICS member countries (…) for their support for the Russian initiative to create a grain exchange”, she indicated during a meeting of agriculture ministers from this grouping which includes Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, as well as five new members (Egypt, Ethiopia, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates and Iran).

We will work with our colleagues on the creation and development of this platform and expanding the possibility of transactions in national currencies of the BRICS countries“, the official noted, noting that the meeting provided an opportunity to discuss key issues related to food security in the BRICS and the world.

BRICS countries account for almost 30% of all arable land in the world. Together we produce around 40% of cereals, 50% of fish and 50% of dairy products worldwide. Thus, BRICS countries are a key platform for ensuring global food security”, she indicated.

Russia has been providing since 1is January 2024 the BRICS presidency, with the aim of promoting all cooperation partnerships in three key areas: politics and security, economy and finance, cultural and humanitarian contacts.

The BRICS organization was founded in June 2006, within the framework of the St. Petersburg Economic Forum, with the participation of the Brazilian, Russian, Indian and Chinese economic ministers.

(with MAP)


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