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El Salvador’s President Nayib Bukele purges culture ministry

The Salvadoran president, who began his second term in early June after a triumphant re-election in February, did not specify what “programs” or what “vision” he was talking about.

But the Salvadoran ambassador to the United States, Milena Mayorga, reacted by stating on the social network X (formerly Twitter) that the government “has a mandate to protect life, faith and family” and that “the anti-values ​​program has hit a big wall.”

“One more attack” on the rights of the LGBTQ community

And Bukele camp MP Alexia Rivas said that “El Salvador is pro-life, pro-traditional family and the 2030 agenda has no place” in the country, referring to a UN development programme that advocates gender equality and the fight against discrimination.

At the beginning of June, the Ministry of Culture canceled, after a single performance at the national theater, a play by the LGBTQI+ project Inari, deemed “immoral” because it featured “content unsuitable for Salvadoran families”.

Read also: Human rights or security? El Salvador chose

The purge in the ministry is “one more attack” on the rights of the LGBTQ community, denounced Aranza Santos, of the Alejandria LGBTQI+ collective. According to her, Nayib Bukele “is doing this to please the ultraconservatives who are putting pressure on him.

In February, the Salvadoran education ministry ordered the removal of any mention of gender from school textbooks, a move welcomed by conservative groups.


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