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The home of Yasma Aboudou, Saïd Kambi’s deputy, burned in Kawéni

The home of Yasma Aboudou, Saïd Kambi’s deputy, was burned down during the night from Wednesday to Thursday in Kawéni. Things were burned on the terrace, an investigation into destruction by dangerous means was opened by the public prosecutor’s office.

A fire broke out around midnight on the night of Wednesday June 26 to Thursday June 27 at the home in Kawéni of Yasma Aboudou, Saïd Kambi’s deputy in the legislative elections. At the time, she was at home with her child. “The fire started on the terrace, I have double glazing and a rolling shutter, I didn’t hear anything“, says the victim. “It was my sister who called me to alert me.

Neighbors managed to put out the fire before firefighters arrived. If the roller shutter has been damaged, the flames will not spread inside. “I feel lost and desperate, but I am marked by the solidarity of the local residents“, she adds. The national police went to the site the same evening to make initial findings. Investigators continued this work this Thursday morning.

Items on the terrace were set on fire according to the prosecution, which announced the opening of an investigation for destruction by dangerous means. The investigation will have to determine whether she was indeed the target of these facts. The victim went to the police station this morning to file a complaint and be heard. “I was already receiving threats before these legislative electionss,” she explains.

On his Facebook profile, candidate Saïd Kambi calls into question “the campaign of hatred, defamation and insults which has been uttered since the beginning of this campaign on various social networks“, adding that “Our Mahoran democracy is in danger.”


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