DayFR Euro

The Moroccan community of Oligo: a model of social integration and a source of cultural enrichment

A. Latif El-Baz – Italy Office

The issue of preserving the bond with the motherland and the feeling of belonging to the family as the basis of culture and Islamic values ​​by promoting integration and active participation in the country of residence dominated the cultural event organized by the Al Nour association partnered with the Jasmine Association and the Chinisi Association during the afternoon today in the town of Olegio in the Beaumonti Governorate, which attracted a large number of Moroccan families residing in this Italian country, in the presence of the Deputy Consul General in Turin and the Municipal Councilor of Oliggio.

At the headquarters of Villa Calini, one of the most dynamic Italian cultural centers in the town of Oliggio, different generations of members of the Moroccan community residing in Italy since the 1960s met during a day marked by numerous various cultural and recreational activities that brought joy. to the participants.

The program of this activity, which was inaugurated, was marked by presentations highlighting the foundations of Moroccan identity, where the values ​​of the link to family, to the homeland and to Islam constitute fundamental principles in within the Maliki school of thought, known for its openness. and tolerance.

The different actors highlighted the importance of maintaining the ties that unite second and third generation individuals who grew up and grew up in Italy with their country of origin, and the need to succeed on a social level through the involvement in political life. life of the country of residence.

According to the organizers, this activity aims to promote the connection of young members of the Moroccan community with their country of origin, and to consolidate Islamic culture and values ​​in them. These are therefore demonstrations which embody the adherence of Moroccans of Italian origin to authentic customs linked to the values ​​of tolerance, coexistence and solidarity anchored in the traditions of Moroccan society.


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