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VIDEO. He was taking a nap among the stuffed animals: a father discovers a venomous snake in his daughter’s bed

This Sunday, June 16, 2024, a father discovered with horror a black snake with a red belly, a venomous species, in his child’s bed.

The father did not expect to encounter this venomous reptile among his daughter’s stuffed animals. The discovery was made this Sunday, June 16 in a house in the Australian town of Jimboomba, reports the NYPost.

“He’s there !”

The reptile was napping among stuffed animals on a bed. A video released by the company, Snake Catchers Brisbane & Gold Coast, shows one of their employees, Bryce Lockett, bend over the bed, move a toy and catch the snake alive by the tail.

“He’s there !”he said while the snake twisted on itself.

The professional then led the snake into a long net on the bedroom floor, lightly touching its tail to direct it.

Venomous but quite shy snakes

Also called red-collared black snakes, red-bellied black snakes are commonly seen on Australian coasts. Although venomous, they are generally quite shy but can attack if provoked, depending on The Australian Museum.

The bite of this reptile rarely results in death but can cause very unpleasant symptoms such as sweating, muscle pain, vomiting and diarrhea.

“Many bite victims experience only mild or negligible symptoms, however, a number also end up hospitalized”said The Australian Museumalthough a bite rarely results in death.


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