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“We talked for hours…” the tribute to this deceased loved one

Nawell Madani published a vibrant tribute on social networks on Monday June 17, 2024, after she learned of the death of a very good friend of hers, a 36-year-old influencer who died of a heart attack. His words are moving.

Nawell Madani is in mourning. The actress, director and comedian, revealed more than ten years ago by the Jamel Comedy Club, took the reins of his social networks to share sad news and shared his pain. She lost a loved one to her on Monday June 17, the influencer Farah El Kadhi also known under the pseudonym Faf. This has so far included more than a million followers. Of Tunisian origin, Farah El Kadhi died just 36 years in Malta, after being hospitalized following a heart attack.

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Nawell Madani posted a photo of her friend with her back to Mecca, her palms raised to the sky and her gaze fixed on the lens. In the caption it is written: “I will miss your long voice notes, your laughter, your madness…We talked for hours about our joint projects. My love Djerbienne… You made me love your island, your country, in reference to the island of Djerba which has long been favored by French tourists. Nawell Madani is full of praise for her friend, who she describes as a person “generous, sunny, gentle, intelligent, upright, sensitive, ambitious, funny” And “go-getter”.

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Nawell Madani can count on his followers

Nawell Madani also couldn’t help but think of the parents of the woman she considers her sister. “I can’t imagine their pain”she insists, before sharing other statements with her community of more than a million followers in story equally heartbreaking. “Just yesterday, we were talking about our plans. I have more strength. I’m still listening to your last voice note”she suggested, before sharing videos of Farah El Kadhi who had participated in the television show Love Island Malta. The influencer had also posted several photos taken in Malta during this unique experience.

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In just a few hours, Nawell Madani’s post garnered nearly 40,000 views. likes and the comments counter panics in turn. Many of them share the pain of the 44-year-old comedian, herself from Belgium. “Shocking”, “It’s a brutal death”, “Losing a friend so young is traumatic” Or “Thank you for this beautiful tribute”we can read among others, while others followers who knew Farah El Kadhi well are in shock since they were also able to read her last messages, very recent, which did not suggest anything.

Nawell Madani on tour with a new show

The news comes while Djebril’s companion Didier Zonga is in full promotion of his new show Nawell Tout Court which she presented last month in the capital, and which will be the subject of a tour starting in October. The comedian has already announced that he will keep it busy for more than a year, with performances across the country scheduled until November 2025.

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About her Nawell Tout Court whose name refers to his new haircut, the one that caused a sensation last year with his series So far, so good explained herself on this subject at the microphone ofEurope 1. “I cut my hair and everyone said to me, ‘That’s coming of age!’. No, I just lost my hair after my daughter was born. People thought there was a message in the title of the show, no there isn’t one, you’re in the shower, you’ve had your baby, hormones etc… You arrive, you see clumps of hair and you say to yourself: ‘ What do we do?’. It’s completely normal! You’re losing hair, and you’re getting hemorrhoids.”she joked in the show Media Culture in April, against Thomas Isle. His daughter Lou Ezna Fatima Zonga will celebrate her third birthday in September.


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