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Shark scares swimmers on Canary Islands beaches, authorities seek to reassure tourists

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CANARY ISLANDS – A scene worthy of Sea teeth. Several beaches in the Canary Islands closed urgently during the weekend of June 15-16, while a shark was prowling around Melenara, Salinetas and San Bartolomé de Tirajina, several local media reported.

Frightened, the swimmers quickly got out of the water while the rescuers immediately deployed preventive measures, as you can see in the video at the top of the article.

I was swimming when the lifeguard gave us the warning and we got out of the water », begins by explaining a young girl present on the scene, on the channel Televisión Canaria. “ That’s when we saw it was a shark.” she adds. The alert was first given on Saturday around 5 p.m. on Melenara beach, reports Telde Actualidad.

We turned around, saw a huge fin about 20 centimeters long and went out », specifies another child, whose swim was short-lived. Other swimmers took the opportunity to stay at the edge of the beach to observe the animal out of curiosity, before the Spanish authorities arrived.

Present around 5:30 p.m. on Melenara beach, the emergency services did not have time to see the shark which measured around two meters according to Telde Actualidad. “They took the motorcycle out and inspected the entire area. As they saw nothing, they left and left the red flag »explains a woman on the microphone of Televisión Canaria.

Although the authorities continued to monitor the area with drones and jet skis, the shark did not appear in the following hours. But authorities spotted a shark off San Bartolomé de Tirajana beach. Although it is impossible to know if it is the same specimen, the beach was also closed, like that of Salinetas, while the animal has still not been found, reports The Province. The three beaches reopened this Monday.

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