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Between alliances and dissidences, France enters the campaign for the legislative elections

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After a week of confusion, the list of candidates should allow voters to know which Republicans are joining Emmanuel Macron’s presidential majority or the National Rally. Jordan Bardella announced that there would be “a common candidate in 70 constituencies”. Marie-Caroline Le Pen, sister of Marine Le Pen, announced her candidacy this Sunday.

François Hollande candidate

On the left, an alliance managed to form in a few days, under the banner of the New Popular Front. It ranges from anti-capitalist micro-parties to the former president of the social-democratic Republic François Hollande. The latter is running for a position as deputy in Corrèze.

Read also: In France, former president François Hollande will be a candidate for the legislative elections facing a “serious” situation

This coalition, which managed to agree on a common program despite its differences, received this Sunday the support of former socialist prime minister Lionel Jospin. According to him, it is the only “dike” capable of containing the RN. Sentenced in 2022 for domestic violence, Adrien Quatennens finally gave up his candidacy.

The leader of France Insoumise Jean-Luc Mélenchon, unsuccessful candidate three times in the presidential election and a repulsive figure for certain voters, even on the left, seemed to withdraw this Sunday: “If you think that I should not be prime minister , I won’t be.”

Read also: Eric Ciotti prepared with Vincent Bolloré his rallying to the RN in view of the French legislative elections

Purchasing power is essential

In Emmanuel Macron’s camp, stunned by dissolution and weakened in the polls after his score of 13.8% in the European elections, the time has come for remobilization. On purchasing power, the first theme put forward by the French, Prime Minister Gabriel Attal promised measures on Saturday in the event of victory, such as a reduction in electricity bills by 15% “from next winter”.

Read also: “Unbreakable optimist”: Emmanuel Macron clarifies his plan and does not change much

The Minister of the Economy Bruno Le Maire, on the other hand, rejected the increase in the monthly minimum wage to 1,600 euros net proposed by the left and which, according to him, would cause “mass unemployment”.

On the Republican side, after a chaotic week marked by the solitary choice of its president Eric Ciotti to ally with the RN, the party is trying as best it can to maintain a line independent of both the executive and the far right. In Nice, the LR nominated a candidate against Eric Ciotti.

The far-right Reconquest movement will only present candidates in 330 constituencies out of 577 to favor “the architects of national unity” on the right, its president Eric Zemmour announced this Sunday evening.

Read also: The traditional French right torn apart in the recomposition caused by the dissolution

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