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Russia claims capture of village in the South

UPDATE ON THE SITUATION – The Russian regime continues its slow progress on the front against a Ukrainian army lacking men and ammunition.

Volodymyr Zelensky must make announcements on peace, Russia claims capture of village, Ukraine must “to reflect on” to Putin’s proposal according to the Kremlin… Le Figaro takes stock of the war in Ukraine this Sunday, June 16.

Russia claims capture of village

Russia claimed the capture of a new village in southern Ukraine on Sunday, continuing its slow advance on the front against a Ukrainian army lacking men and ammunition. “Units of the Eastern grouping of forces liberated the settlement of Zagirne in the Zaporizhia region and occupied more favorable positions”, the Russian Defense Ministry said in its daily report. The Russian army has been gaining ground for months in Ukraine, particularly in the east, without however achieving a real breakthrough. Before Zagirné, it had claimed this week the capture of three villages in the east, south and north-east of Ukraine.

Ukraine should ‘reflect’ on Putin’s proposal as its position ‘worsens’ on the front, Kremlin says

The Kremlin said on Sunday that Ukraine should “to reflect on” to the peace proposal recently formulated by President Vladimir Putin, because the situation on the front “gets worse” for Ukrainian forces. “The current dynamics of the situation on the front clearly shows us that it will continue to get worse for the Ukrainians. It is likely that a politician who places the interests of the country above his own and those of his masters would consider such a proposal., declared Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov, referring to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. These statements come as Volodymyr Zelensky promised to make peace proposals to Russia once they are validated by the international community, within the framework of a summit on Ukraine in Switzerland to which Russia did not participate. been invited.

Nuclear security and deported children at the heart of the Ukraine peace summit

Avoiding a nuclear disaster in Ukraine, guaranteeing food security in the world and bringing back deported Ukrainian children are at the center of discussions on Sunday at the first peace summit in Ukraine, which wants to outline a plan to end the war.

More than two years after the Russian invasion, leaders and senior officials from more than 90 countries have the weekend at a swanky hotel complex in central Switzerland to brainstorm ways to end Europe’s biggest conflict since the Second World War. World War.

On the first day of this first summit, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky received strong support and expressed the hope of uniting the international community around a peace proposal that he could possibly present to Moscow.


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