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why the IDF takes a daily “tactical break” in part of the Gaza Strip

EYAD BABA / AFP Why Israel takes a daily “tactical pause” in an area of ​​the Gaza Strip (Photo of Israeli bombardment in Gaza on June 11, 2024)


Why Israel takes a daily “tactical pause” in an area of ​​the Gaza Strip (Photo of Israeli bombardment in Gaza on June 11, 2024)

GAZA – A break from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m., every day. Refugees in part of the Gaza Strip will have daily respite, the Israeli army announced this Sunday, June 16. This concerns the area going from Kerem Shalom, a passage in the south of Israel to the Salaheddine road in Gaza then towards the north of the Palestinian territory. Kerem Shalom is located in the south of Gaza and the Salaheddine road runs along the territory from north to south.

Tel Aviv wants to observe this pause until further notice to allow the entry of more humanitarian aid into the Palestinian territory devastated by more than eight months of war and threatened with famine.

This decision was made public the day after the death of 11 Israeli soldiers, including eight in a bomb explosion in the Gaza Strip.

A “ aid net » which must be « turn into a river »

The break was decided to allow “increase in the volume of humanitarian aid entering Gaza” after discussions with the UN and other organizations, she said in a statement.

The UN says that aid entering Gaza through the Kerem Shalom crossing is very difficult to transport and distribute to the population who lack water, food and medicine, due to bombings and fighting.

Since aid trucks began entering Gaza from Egypt through Kerem Shalom, a ” net “ aid has arrived, Matthew Hollingworth, director for the Palestinian Territories of the World Food Program (WFP), said recently.

“But this must become a flood of aid if we are to ensure that the most acute forms of hunger do not become more common.”he warned, asking “that the southern corridors are fully open”.

IDF soldiers killed in bomb blast

While elsewhere in the world, Muslims celebrate Eid al-Adha, the major Muslim holiday, Palestinians in Gaza deplore multiple shortages of basic necessities.

The Gaza Strip, besieged by Israel, is in the grip of a major humanitarian crisis, where 75% of the approximately 2.4 million inhabitants have been displaced by the war and where the population is threatened with famine according to the UN.

On Saturday, the army said eight soldiers were killed when their armored vehicle in Rafah (south) “was hit by a bomb explosion”. Later, she announced the death of two soldiers in northern Gaza and reported another died from his wounds.

“Our hearts are broken at these terrible losses », Reacted Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. But, he assured, “we must stick to the objectives of the war: destroy Hamas’s military and governmental capabilities, recover all our hostages, ensure that Gaza no longer poses a threat to Israel (…)”.

Also see on The HuffPost:

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