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In the news: Emmanuel Macron’s bad luck

The French president has been widely criticized since the dissolution of the French National Assembly announced on Sunday

The world reveals this little sentence from the Head of State uttered the next day during the commemorations of the Oradour-sur-Glane massacre: “ I’m delighted, I threw my unpinned grenade at their legs, now we’ll see how they do. »

For the French daily, Emmanuel Macron has always “ suggested that he despised politics and its representatives, he who was never elected before reaching the Élysée »… except that the president “ may have trapped himself » according to the Parisian newspaper.

Among the Macronists, “the spirit of defeat is in everyone’s heads”.

Analyse of Release which makes power executives talk – “ we are going to be the relative minority » said a ministerial advisor. Another redoubt to find itself in third place behind the New Popular Front. »

In Opinionregarding the anticipated legislative elections, we judge that “ This moment of truth reeks of lies “. The conservative newspaper castigates “the apprentice sorcerers of the Élysée ” Who ” continue to support [que la clarté des choix naîtra de la confusion actuelle] “. The newspaper sees “another scenario is emerging, closer to chaos than clarification “. Opinion redoubt “the disappearance of government parties devoured by the extremes ”, with, on the right, “ the carving up of the Gaullist family by the National Rally “, and to the left, ” the victory of a pro-Gaza strategy » from France Insoumise.

“Chaos”, “Casino”: the foreign press crushes Emmanuel Macron

The Geneva Tribune returns to “ political chaos in France » since the announcement of the dissolution, between “ recomposition of the right ” hard, ” political agreement on the left ” And ” discordances in the presidential camp » – the Swiss daily reports the words of former Prime Minister Edouard Philippe for whom “ the dissolution aroused astonishment and sometimes perhaps anger »… The former head of government of the first five-year term hopes to recompose “ a new parliamentary majority and not presidential “. “ The words are harsh, casually” For The Geneva Tribune.

The Guardian castigates his side “ Russian Roulette », and quotes leaders of the French centrist party who have lost sleep since last Sunday. Same metaphor in The Economist who issues this diagnosis in an ironic article entitled “ Charlemagne Casino Europa » : « the French president shows all the signs of a compulsive gambler who thinks a bad patch can be fixed with one last roll of the dice »…

Speaking of betting, the Daily Mail see “how the international financial markets have been disoriented since the convening of early legislative elections » in France, with the combined declines in the CAC 40 and the Footsie following Emmanuel Macron’s announcement.

France is on the verge of something terrifying »

THE New York Times mentions the “ risks » generated by the decision of Emmanuel Macron whose “ popularity is even lower than that of US President Joe Biden “, notably ” the arrival of the far right to power and the prospect of handing over the keys to a party founded by a former Waffen SS “. THE New York Times judges, however, not unlikely that the National Rally will come out of power weakened in the run-up to the 2027 presidential election “.

Bloomberg for his part describes the head of state as “ diminished figure ”, and tells how “ Emmanuel Macron only had one head-to-head meeting during the G7 with Canadian Justin Trudeau “. “ Two European leaders also told Emmanuel Macron that the dissolution presented risks for the whole of Europe “, according to Bloomberg.

Tense cohabitation with Giorgia Meloni

Several headlines in the Italian and French press focus on the visible embarrassment between the French head of state and the president of the Italian Council during the G7 gala dinner on Thursday evening. After greeting the President of the Italian Republic, Emmanuel Macron walks towards Giorgia Meloni, with a dark look, who barely unclenches her jaw even though the French President has just given her an icy hand kiss.

Result, tell Le Monde, the absence of mention of the right to abortion in the final communiqué of the Bari summit “…an omission” wanted by Italy.Which caused an unusual exchange of arms » during such an event, according to the French newspaper.


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